Is a Crypto Twitter on the cards?

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So now that the news has sunk in that Elon has indeed become the Chief Twit at Twitter Inc, how do you think Twitter will change in the next few days/months and years?

I personally feel that this is a welcome change for Twitter although it is not an ideal scenario in any way, shape for form. Twitter has been for many years controlled and manipulated by the left and I think the pendulum has started to come to the center. I don't intend the pendulum to go to the right but I do hope it stays at the center.

Some users have already reported that they were able to edit tweets and also some kind of a blue like button which I haven't personally seen.

I think Elon is going to open the algorithm up and try to remove the biases from them. Also, I strongly believe that there may be an element of blockchain involved in Twitter now and it might become more of a protocol and not a product.

There might also be inbuilt payments, possibly over lightning (hopefully not though) and also possible integration with NFTs. I wouldn't be surprised if it would become a DAO altogether and users to be rewarded with community tokens and/or NFTs.

I think all of this is just wishful thinking for now. Most of it might not happen but I do hope it does. Let's see how it goes.

What and how do you think Twitter will change? Will there by a fundamental blockchain element?

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$ 0.00
1 year ago

He fired his CEO CFO and mostly other twitter team and now leading twitter Now need to see which change we will see next

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1 year ago