If crypto fails from here, it's on us ...

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Ethereum, Tech, Altcoins, Investment, BTC, ...

I have been watching this space from mid 2017 and I think I have a pretty good idea on how this market is moving and who is trying to bring the market down and who is trying to take this up. In my opinion, this has been one of the purest, most grassroots level financial revolution that the world needs and is playing out right in front of our eyes! There are obviously greedy people who are trying to scam other people out of this genuinely pure movement and also there have been some financial institutions that have been trying to short these assets and move the markets in such a way to scare people off with volatility and unexpected price movements.

I urge everyone to stay strong and stay the course. Definitely don't do what's not comfortable. Only put money that you can afford to lose but participate. Do realize that if we fail and if the evil forces win (which is a very real and strong possibility), you will lose it all.

If you can't risk your own money/assets, try to spread the word so it reaches people that do have the appetite for this kind of risk. If you can't buy that's fine, evangelize, earn free cryptos. There are many places which give you free cryptos for participating, learning, blogging, playing games or even just reading articles.


We have seen a lot of ups and downs in the last many years and we have navigated them successfully and have reached where we are now, approximately at about 2.1 trillion dollars in market cap in total. That's trillion with a T. It's not a joke. But we can't stop this here. We need to take this forward!

Remember, history is on our side! Do you remember not so long ago in world history, we were being ruled by kings, rulers, monarchs and fascists? For the most part, there are none of those people ruling now forcibly now! There is no centralized family based leadership anymore. Leadership has been democratized with voting and elections.

I think we are in that phase of business where tech monopolies rule the world like how kings ruled us a century or so ago and they will need to be wiped out as well because guess what? Absolute power corrupts!

Decentralization is the only way forward for a better future for everyone. So, do what you can to take part in this revolution. At the same time be responsible. Watch out for the next BitConnect and actively raise red flags but also at the same time promote the next big project that you believe in!

Most importantly out of all this, remember that we got this far and if we go down from here, it's totally on us. We would have failed as a civilization if we don't democratize money and personal finance. If we do end up failing from here, it's totally on us!

Let me know your thoughts.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Ethereum, Tech, Altcoins, Investment, BTC, ...


Wow... that's a very beautiful post...that is some though worth pondering upon...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for your comment!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is some thought worth pondering upon. I believe what you said about decentralization being revolutionary in the sense that when taken seriously, it will change not only the financial system of the world but other industries too, literally. Perhaps some money mongers have realized this so some are already diving into the crypto space.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for your comment. I firmly believe that decentralization will affect every aspect of life in the future and we will see a tiny element of blockchain in every space going forward along with decentralization.

Also your content looks interesting. Subscribed to you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am with you on that. And hoping for the day when decentralization starts even in just one sector in the economy, then perhaps more will follow.

Oh, thank you :) Will do the same :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago