Gala Games - free 100 Gala tokens and NFTs on signup

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4 years ago

Gala Games was founded by a big name in Silicon Valley, the company behind the very successful company at one point Zynga. They have an incredible offer going on right now where if you sign up using an existing member's link you get 100 free GALA tokens and a rare collectible NFT as well so go ahead and use this link to claim the sign up bonus and also to start playing and earning more along the way! 


The game also gives you nostalgia if you have played Farmville before, it looks and feels a lot like it. The good thing is, once you progress further in the game you get to earn a lot more GALA tokens and NFTs as well. If you upgrade yourself to a gold member, you can chose to get rewards in Bitcoin too!

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.00
2 years ago

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$ 0.00
2 years ago