All about CoinGecko?

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4 years ago
What is CoinGecko? 

CoinGecko is a crypto currency data aggregation website based out of Malaysia founded by the current COO Bobby Ong and TM Lee in 2014. As of June 2020, CoinGecko supports 21 languages and more than 7000 crypto currencies. The way CoinGecko is different to other competitors especially CoinMarketCap is that they provide a 360 degree view to the crypto currency market by publishing information on not just the price, volume and market capitalization but also things like community growth, open source development, major events and on chain metrics. The bulk of their data comes from exchanges (about 400 of them at least) and they have a place where they rank exchanges as well. So they take all this data on the coins, on exchanges and display them in an easy to understand manner for people to digest.

They have a website and also a mobile app on major platforms like iOS and Android. 

Quarterly Reports

In addition to just presenting data, they also release quarterly reports where they take data from the quarter, analyze it and share the meaningful research with the world. Here is the current Q2 report they have released In these reports they focus on current hot topics so if you look at the current report, they talk a lot about DeFi. 


They have an amazing feature on their website and mobile app called Candies where if you login every day, you can collect candies and exchange it for CoinGecko merchandise or for other amazing things like a DeFi book or even some awesome NFTs! Link to the Candies is here


Another amazing feature which I really love about them are the widgets. Here is a link to the widgets they provide If you run a website or a blog and want to share the latest live information about a coin, you can add a block of code to their widget for their coin and they will embed all the data about that coin LIVE. For example if you look at this blog post on my website, I was writing about the crypto encyclopedia called Everipedia and I used their widget to provide LIVE and latest information about their IQ token 

Competitive Advantage 

The biggest competitor that Coingecko has is CoinMarketCap which used to be the biggest crypto data aggregator in the space and probably still is by usage but more recently CoinMarketCap has been acquired by Binance, arguably the biggest exchange in the world raising eyebrows in the crypto currency world about possible conflict of interest and how Binance can potentially change data in favor of their own coins or the coins they support. CoinGecko is said to have a major advantage here being the more trusted data aggregator ever since this happened and a lot of users have completely removed CMC from their mobile phones and are now exclusively just using CoinGecko for all their crypto currency price data.

$ 4.13
$ 4.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
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4 years ago
