Activity Bonus - it was fun while it lasted

2 59

It looks like the fun feature Activity Bonus is coming to and end. It was definitely fun while it lasted. I can see why it was conceived and why it's coming to an end and this is what I like about the most is that some features are rolled out, tried out and if they either don't bring value to the platform or if they're not solving a problem, they are phased out.

As the platform is comparatively small enough, things can move at such a fast pace. We can also deduce at this point that some spammers and mass commenters are moving so fast that they are able to get over these small things with ease.

In any case, looking forward to see what comes out from the platform next!

$ 5.02
$ 5.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of potta


Well yeah and as long as people can comment with the promise of that activity bonus, then they would again come to generate spam ;;-;; wish that bonus was more selectively given to begin with tbh

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Again spam kill it. I'm getting tired of this cycle. New feature, suspended, new feature, suspended.

$ 0.00
3 years ago