Trip to Portugal - Valbom #3

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3 years ago

Again in Valbom - Gondomar on the walk beside the magnificent Douro River - Porto (Portugal). Feeling the fresh river air while walking is really relaxing, as it calms the mind like our body.

This place is ideal for taking a walk with the family and if you want you can stop for a swim in the river.

In this place there is a small garden where you can sit in the shade to rest. On very hot days it is very pleasant to be sitting in the garden enjoying the Douro River.

There is also a bar, which was closed today, which I thought was strange. At this time of summer, a bar near the river being closed is nothing normal. Unfortunately I was unable to drink a juice in this explanation.

The Valbom footbridge ends here, but I was curious to see what was at the top of the stairs. I'm very curious so I didn't hesitate and went up to see it.

Here I found the Restaurant "Casa Lindo" which has a magnificent view while you can have lunch or dinner. As I had gone on this walk alone, I decided not to have lunch at the restaurant, but when I am accompanied in this area, I will definitely come here for a snack.

This place is undoubtedly beautiful, the colors, the river, the trees and the city in the background. A place that remains in memory and that we always want to return to.

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