Trip to Portugal - Valbom #2

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4 years ago

Continuation of the article on my walk beside the Douro River in Valbom - Gondomar (Porto - Portugal).
This day it was around 30 degrees and this time I took a bottle of water with me, because with these high temperatures it is very normal to dehydrate quickly.

This area is very pleasant to walk, because in addition to the floor being certain, the walk is also quite wide and thus we are able to maintain the social distance that is necessary at this time.

During this walk I pass by a river beach that is very pleasant. In addition to being able to soak up the sun, you can also take a bath in the calm waters of the Douro River.
This river beach is very close to the city center of Porto, so in summer you cannot fail to take a dip in this area.

Right in front of the river beach you have a bar where you can have a drink or simply enjoy the view of the Douro River.

I was still halfway there, however you will find signs with directions to other locations.
This walkway is very good for those who also want to ride a bike or go for a run.
If you come to Porto do not forget to come for a walk at the foot of the Douro River, you will not regret it. Below I leave the map with the location marked.

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4 years ago


Lots of beautiful places to say the least. I was fascinated to see. Thanks for sharing with us such a beautiful place.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you very much for your comment!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Aqui no Alentejo é só deserto... deserto e calor!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Eu gosto bem do Alentejo! Para relaxar é das minhas zonas preferidas.

$ 0.00
4 years ago