Trip to Portugal - Senhora do Salto - Paredes

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3 years ago

Today the walk was through Paredes by Senhora do Salto. It is about 15 km away by car and takes around 20 minutes. You may be amazed at what I will say, I had never been to this place. Very close to home and I had never visited this beautiful place, as is possible!!! But I finally visited today...

In these houses there is a coffe where we can drink something fresh to start the journey through this land. I still don't know for sure what awaits me. The bridge that you can see through the photograph is quite high, in the photo you can’t get a sense of height. The motorway passes on that bridge.

On this walk I took about an 1hour 30 minutes to explore what was within my reach. It was worth it and you will see the photos during the post.

On this bridge you can see the Sousa River, and you also see a holiday home right next to the river. A spectacular place to make a holiday isolated from the city.

The mountains here are quite high, so today I decided to take the hike down the road, on the next visit I will venture up the mountains and then bring the photos for you to see.

This place is called "Largo Nossa Senhora do Salto". You can reach this square by car and then easily follow these paths and also take a dip in the river.

This place still belongs to the "Serras do Porto", and you can go through some species that has been posted on the poster. Butterflies you will see a lot. In the next post I will bring new photos about this spectacular place.

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3 years ago


I like this country....its so beautiful and I really wish to go there one day....hope my wish will fulfill I will be able to visit the country...I also want to visot other places of Portugal🤗

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