Trip to Portugal - Running through the mountains of Porto

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4 years ago

Today was a training day in the middle of the mountain again. The day was not too hot, so I took the opportunity to pull a little more by myself.

In this mountain of the Serras do Porto there are some climbs that leave me completely exhausted. In the photos it may seem that it doesn’t go up much, but when we’re on the road going up, we feel the real pain of gravity.

When I'm not running, I look to see if I can find different plants, because in this mountain there are carnivorous plants that are quite rare. I haven't found any yet.

Stopping to feel and hear the wind in the middle of the mountain is something I love to do.

The Serra do Porto is an excellent place to get out of the hustle and bustle (that is, the big city) and relax a little. For those who like nature I recommend coming to spend a few hours in this mountain. And don't forget not to throw garbage on the mountain. Thank you!

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4 years ago


Nice photos

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you ;)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Was it taken with a phone?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, all my photos are with my phone. ;)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Not bad at all.. keep it up pal

$ 0.00
4 years ago