Trip to Portugal - Foz do Douro - Porto

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4 years ago

West of Porto, Foz do Douro is known for being one of the most expensive areas in the city.

Foz do Douro is a privileged place, where the Douro River meets the ocean and offers beautiful landscapes, embellished with its promenade, beautiful and cosmopolitan terraces, bars and gardens, being a busy place by day and night.

An area portrayed in many of the works of artists of all time, Foz do Douro is also classified as a Municipal Natural Heritage for its Metamorphic Complex, in 2005 the Foz do Douro Geological Walk was created in order to preserve and publicize this set of rocks of great scientific and pedagogical value.

Here, the houses of the bourgeoisie are on the edge of a beautiful promenade, the palm trees treat the ocean for you, and the sun shows off at nightfall every day to the people of Porto. Foz, as this is what it is all about, despite not being a historic center, has a quality of life for its out-of-the-ordinary residents, which I invite you to discover.

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4 years ago
