Trip to Portugal - Couce #5

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3 years ago

I return again with my 3 hour journey through the mountains in Couce - Serras do Porto. A wonderful place to enjoy nature and relax a little from city life. I feel more and more close to nature, and increasingly wanting to get away from the city. I always had this great connection for nature, even being a boy all connected to new technologies.

I love this photo. By the way, having a tree lying down like this and having to bend over to go under the tree, it looked like it was in a movie. How good it was that I changed a little bit of tragedy and found this way.

Walking with the river at the side, sometimes with some obstacles such as mud on the way and me jumping through the dry part. Funny how in those moments I forget about problems and focus on small things, like not being buried in the mud eheheh

My stop, my destination sitting on a rock in the river to cool me down. Relax and enjoy how beautiful nature is, how much we must preserve and remember that without it we don't exist.

Portugal besides its cities also has a lot of nature, we are a small country but with a lot to discover. Even living here near the Serras do Porto, I am still discovering magical places.

I hope you are enjoying my photos and adventure. I look forward to your comments.

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$ 0.01 from @Otek
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3 years ago
