Trip to Portugal - Couce #4

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3 years ago

In continuation of the previous post of the big 3 hour walking to the Ferreira River in Couce - Serras do Porto (Portugal). A great walk and with many photos, the incentive was also undoubtedly to be able to show everyone this magical place to the community of the Hive platform.

Here in the middle of the mountains we can appreciate the sound of the river, the birds singing, the wind passing and in the background stop and reflect on our lives. It is good to stop, it is good to reflect, it is good to breathe fresh air. We are used to always running in the city, but we have to learn to relax and enjoy life, our only life!!!

This river has little depth, but if you want to cool off you can sit and get a little wet. I also like going to river very much, it is good to be in the water and enjoy the trees, the birds and the silence (with no one around) it is also good to be alone!

This place where I put the last photo, many families who know this place come here to have their picnics. I already miss being with a group of friends in the middle of nature talking and drinking a few beers.

Finally, I discovered another new path that will give to the river area that few people know about. Then I'll post more photos. A great walk and with lots of photos to mix.
I hope you are enjoying this Couce journey.

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3 years ago


nice shots. It makes me want to go there too someday.

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3 years ago