Trip to Portugal - Couce #1

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4 years ago

Today I did a walk and run that lasted around 3 hours. I can say that at the moment I'm very tired, however it was really worth the effort I made. In addition to the physical exercise I also started to discover a new place in these montains that I will later divulge in this series.

Today it was 32ºC/89.6℉, very hot !! On the mountain, it doesn't happen to be so hot if you are also near a river. In this case, Couce has the Ferreira River which cools the area well.

During the walk I found groups of people camping, with music, food and their children refreshing in the river. A good place to spend the weekend outside the city.

In the photos you can see that the path has a lot of shadows, that's why I put up with the walk with 32ºC/89.6℉, I only advise if you take a walk here with these temperatures taking water with you. Halfway through I started to be thirsty. As it was a 3 hours walk, I should have taken water, the next one I won't forget.

During this journey I found two fruits that I could pick up if they were ripe. The first was figs but I didn't take the picture of the tree, the second was the grapes as you can see they are still very green.

In the next post I write more about this journey to Couce.

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$ 0.01 from @Otek
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4 years ago
