Travel Portugal - National Pantheon

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4 years ago

The National Pantheon is located in Lisbon, in Campo de Santa Clara, parish of São Vicente de Fora, occupying the building thought to be the church of Santa Engrácia, in the second half of the century 16, by decision of Infanta D.Maria

The original church was severely damaged by a strong storm in 1658 and thereafter underwent successive alterations only finishing its works as early as 1966. Such time interval of successive works led to their becoming known by the works of Saint Engracia.

The building is crowned by a giant juniper. It's interior is paved with colored marble and a classic Baroque-style architecture, with a Greek cross-plan, three apse chapels, quadrangular central space and four angled towers.

There are the tombs of important national figures such as the presidents of the Republic Teófilo Braga, Sidónio Pais and Óscar Carmona, the writers João de Deus, Almeida Garrett and Guerra Junqueiro, the fadista Amália Rodrigues and the evocative monuments of Luís de Camões, Pedro Alvares Cabral, Afonso de Albuquerque, Nuno Alvares Pereira, Vasco da Gama and the infant D.Henrique.

An architectural treat to visit for all those who live in Lisbon or pass by. Schools will find excellent reasons for study visits: history, art and visual education, mathematics (the geometry of space) or even geography (the superb view of the city and the river).

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$ 0.51 from @Read.Cash
Avatar for portugalcoin
4 years ago


thanks for the photos. I like such old architectures. it must be a very well-kept architectural relic

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4 years ago