Travel Portugal - Amarante

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4 years ago

Amarante is a beautiful city located on the banks of the River Tâmega and about 60 km from Porto. With a mix of history, religion, nature, art and gastronomy, it is a destination worth visiting!

Although the exact date and who were its founders are not known, there are traces that their origin comes from the primitive peoples who lived in the Serra da Aboboreira since the Stone Age. It is true that, as in many other places throughout Portugal, the Romans were here and populated.


Definitely imposing religious character on the city of Amarante, this imposing church is located on the site of the chapel where it is believed to be buried São Gonçalo, at one end of the bridge.

The convent's space extends over three cloisters that can also be visited. Outside, a huge square with some terraces invites you to spend some time contemplating the side facade of the church and watching the movements.


Amarante Forest Park occupies an area of over 5 hectares by the River Tâmega. Originally planted with the main purpose of Serra do Marão's afforestation, today it houses several plant species and is the ideal place to run or do some good walking and exercise in contact with nature.

Explore the nooks by the river well, as you will find wonderful views refreshed by the sound of running water.



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Avatar for portugalcoin
4 years ago


Your writing such a great article just keep going and those places are just a beautiful

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4 years ago