Travel Portugal - Almourol Castle

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4 years ago

In the middle of the Tejo river, the enigmatic Almourol Castel is one of the most emblematic monuments of the christian reconquest.

Situated on an islet in the middle of the Tejo river, the Almourol castel is one of the most emblematic monuments that can be found in Portugal, due to its meaning and the surrounding landscape.

Its history recalls the reconquest of the territory during the middle ages. When the Christians arrived here, the castle already existed under the name of "Almorolan", having then been included in the lands handed over to the Templar guard, under the orders of Gualdim Pais.

Together with the castles of Tomar, Zêzere and Cardiga formed the defensive line of the Tejo River.

After the Order of the Templars was extinguished and the need to defend the territory ended, it ended up falling into oblivion, being recovered by the romantic spirit that guided its restoration and gave it the aspect we see today.

I hope you enjoyed the history of this Castle and my trip!!!
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4 years ago
