Portuguese Chalet - Chalet da Condessa

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4 years ago

The Countess's Chalet can be visited in Pena Park and like any other monument also has its history. It was in the late nineteenth century that D.Fernando II and his second wife Elise Hensler, the Countess d'Edla and well-known opera singer at the time, gave orders for the construction of a chalet within the park.

It was then built a chalet and a garden that was intended to be private and romantic to be elected the space of protection and recreation of the said couple. Its location was also not left to chance and was strategically chosen, west of the Pena Palace. Their construction lines followed the very fashionable Alpine Chalet model at the time in Europe.

In its interior ornamentation stand out the murals, tiles, stucco and cork as a decorative and insulating element. As for the exterior, the garden that surrounds the house, is composed of native vegetation and botanical species whose origin is from various parts of the world giving it an exotic landscape. Within all the species there can be distinguished the tree ferns from Australia and New Zealand. Also within this space can be highlighted the Countess Feteira, the Arbor, the Garden of Joina and also the lakes.

This monument has always been very well guarded and is now open to the public after its recovery as it has been degraded over the years. This degradation was essentially the responsibility of the fire that took place in 1999 and its reconstruction began in 2007. There are many and diverse places to discover in the walks that can be made there, such as fountains and viewpoints. In this garden of about 1.5 hectares can also be seen horses that came from northern Europe.

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4 years ago
