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Avatar for piya99
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3 years ago

The woman you see is the picture is named Helen a bricks this real event happened out side the countiy(in the United States). Police come to arrest Helena while she is stealing from a supermarket. The police asked Helena, are you stealing? Helena said ... I don't have a father for my children. I am also very poor and sick. I don't have enough money to buy food for my children. Now I have stolen “biscuits, jelly and bread to feed my hungry children”. The police officer immediately took her to the supermarket manager and bought a variety of food to feed Helena's children. Helena was rushed to her home in a police car. Miss Helena burst into tears and asked the police officer, "Sir, it's been too much for me ...". The police officer replied, "Sometimes we should not enforce the law but humanity! Because the law is never above humanity."

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