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3 years ago

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We are always worried about the future. Always too worried.
We worry about going hungry tomorrow, so we starve ourselves today in order to save for tomorrow and when tomorrow becomes today, we put our lives on replay.

We worry about having to repeat that nice shirt next week
So we put it away today. We take the polo that seems more fitting for the day. Instead, unbeknownst to us, we simply end up wearing that polo, over and over again and the right time for the nice shirt, seemingly never comes.

We worry about not acing that test, so we stay up all night, and end up going blank in the exam hall. We worry so much about getting that job, that we fail to see the other jobs passing us by, that could amount to something more.

We worry about being hurt tomorrow, so we refuse to love today. We constantly fear that these feelings we have, may come to naught on the morrow, so we refuse to bask in its glow today.

We forget that the only moment we are sure of is now. Not the next minute, not the next twenty-four hours, only now and because we are always too worried about the future, we end up not living in the present,
Merely existing...

What then, have you been given this life for?

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