Today's Students Suffer from a lot of Depressed
'It is a common mental health problem that varies in severity and duration. In its less serious form, depression is a temporary response to loss, stress or life challenges. This can be eliminated through the natural healing effects of time and / or social co-operation, daily routines, and easy coping strategies such as engagement and exercise. Severe or chronic depression usually requires professional help.
Symptoms of depression include:
Feelings of emptiness, hopelessness, helplessness and lawlessness Deep feeling of sadness Unable to experience happiness Unorganized eating and sleep Concentration, memory, and difficulty making decisions
Depression sometimes includes irritability, anxiety and anger. In its most serious form, self-destructive thoughts and intentions can be found along with stress as a way to avoid emotional pain.
Research shows that stress is highly responsible for psychotherapy and medication.
• What to do?
• Avoid
Have a private conversation with the student
Listen carefully and correct the student's emotions and experiences.
Be helpful and express your concern about the situation. Ask the student if he or she has suicidal thoughts. Clear and concise on a practical project. Discuss, if appropriate, be willing to consider or offer accommodation (such as an extension of a paper or exam) in the hope of relieving stress and creating hope. If you believe a medication diagnosis is needed, refer the student to the health center's behavioral health service.