This thing called love is a grave misconception

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3 years ago

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Growing up, I wasn't one of those boys that looked forward to falling in love and feeling butterflies in their stomach. I loved to listen to love songs and often imagined if all they say was real. Could there really be something this beautiful and powerful? 

Fastforward to years later, love I did feel but then with it came a different kind of ache and pain. One no one ever prepares you for. You see? Yes, love is beautiful but it can also leave you scarred from within and very afraid of experiencing it again. 

When asked to define love, I often say, "Love is a dangerous bullet that never kills". This is because with it you never know what to expect. These days people have forgotten that love is more than just words but more of deeds. The words "I love you" has become a cliché often abused by many.

No one truly understands it all. Most of us have a firmly ingrained and highly unrealistic idea of what it is supposed to be. Yes, love is an amazing experience but at same time it is important to have a realistic understanding of what it truly is. 

Here are some big misconceptions about love 

Love is either fake or true
I beg to differ. There is nothing like fake or true love. It is either you love or you do not love. What we call fake love is simply infatuation and it never stands the test of time.

Love is unconditional
If you are referring to agape love then maybe it is true but not when it comes to the love between man and woman. It is truly hard to find someone who loves you without conditions. There is always a catch. It could be your good looks, your possessions or your intelligence. Only when these things fade and the love remains can you say you've truly loved unconditionally.

Love is blind
love is not blind. It sees. Love sees the flaws and the imperfections. Love is about seeing problems, understanding them and deciding to move on with it and work on them. It is about acknowledging the imperfections but choosing not the make a fuss about them.

Love conquers all
love doesn't conquer all. It doesn't conquer incompatibility. Loving someone doesn't guarantee they will love you in return. This is one of the reasons why people are so jaded and stay in a relationship that is not working for so long.  They believe love is enough to change a person. 

Love lasts forever
Not all love is meant to last. Sometimes it is just a part of the journey. Love doesn't guarantee a happily every after. There is more to being together than just loving. When love ends, it doesn't mean it was flawed, it simply meant you weren't right for each other. 

You just know when it is right
Love doesnt always happen at first sight. You are not supposed to feel it right away. Love grows overtime. Don't go losing a nice guy just because you didn't feel that instant connection at first. There is no manual to what love is supposed to feel like. It is more than just fireworks and instant chemistry

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3 years ago
