Steps to Longer Life

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4 years ago

There are lots of stories and legends of people searching for the secret of long life. People seek medical advice from experts while some resort to prayer houses and some even go to  fortune tellers for one prescription or the other to ensure longevity

Experts confirm that individuals can live longer if certain ideas and routine are understood and adhered to strictly. The steps specifically recommended are as follows: 

1. Dr B.E Douglas (1970) says: "To a greater extent than before,barring accidents,longevity is up to individuals, since individuals are aware of the killer diseases as tuberculosis, pneumonia, diarrhoea, diphtheria, AIDS and diseases of Middle and Later years such as artrithis and cancer. Individuals can do a lot to protect themselves from these diseases.

2.Have a positive attitude to life: As much as possible try to be happy as happiness is health. Depression slows down an individual's metabolism. 

The saying, " a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit dries the bone" you can will yourself to be ill is really true. Anxiety and futile worry can lead to nervous breakdown and ill health.

3. Live a life of moderation: Imitate the good habits of people and follow the advise of competent doctors,nutritionists and health experts. You have to be conscious of the amount of food that you can afford. A balanced diet means food that contains the basic food groups of carbohydrates, protein and vitamin.

4. Take regular exercises

5. Avoid damaging 

6. Go for yearly check-up

7. Never ignore symptoms

8. Reduce your weight as much as you can.

9. Curtail your intake of alcohol and soft drink. 

10. Have a leisure time. 

11. Above all,have a balanced spiritual well being. Those who have balanced spiritual well being possess these qualities which make for longevity. 

a. They have firm sense of self

b. They are interested in their own growth.

c. They are generous with love.

d. They are also humble in their relations with others. 

e. They are never pretentious, hence they accept themselves fully and completely.

f. They have sustaining sense of purpose and meaning. 

g. They enjoy helping others and look for chances to do so.  

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4 years ago


Humbleness, generous and love goes a very long way....well written dear

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4 years ago

Good information brother

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4 years ago

Great article Please also see my new article

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4 years ago