Love your Mondays

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3 years ago

Most people grew up hating Mondays.  Don't get me wrong. I was once in your shoes. Maybe its because of the long weekend of rest or the hangover of last night's party or the late night movies and staying up to create posts on Uptrend. 

 Whatever the reason trust me it has nothing to do with Monday. It was not Mondays fault that you did all these , it was humans that named her Monday,  it was still humans that decided she should be the first day of the week, so if you must hate dont hate Mondays.  

Unfortunately most times our Mondays determine the rest of the week so we need to get our Mondays right.  I am going to share a few tops that has helped me to love Mondays.  

Firstly do not over do anything on weekends,  be it sleep, movies, food or alchohol.  Remember moderation is key and do your very best to end Sundays with a 30minutes exercise and a warm shower.  

Secondly start your Mondays early with prayers, exercise and a hot cup of your favourite beverage. It wakes up your whole system 

Thirdly take one hour after the other and do not put unnecessary pressures on yourself, remember its just the first day and you have other days to complete the task. I don't know of Millionaires who only made money on Mondays 

Finally breathe you will get that upvote. You are destined to succeed no matter what.  

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Avatar for philzest
3 years ago


Well Monday is good. It's a lovely day for me.

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3 years ago

I am alredy subscribe you please flow and view me

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3 years ago

great job dear...

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3 years ago