Benefits and uses of Honey:
I tell you some uses and benifits of honey.
Honey has so many health benifits and it is also used in medicines.
Honey is very useful in cough, flue and chest infection.
If you are suffring from cough then use 1 table spoon honey in 1 cup warm water. This is very effective in cough. It is useful for every age.
If your children is suffring from cough and chest infection then use honey with 1 egg yolk. This mixture is very effective in cough and chest infection. Use only small ammount of this mixture once in a day.
Honey is also very useful for weight lose.Use honey with one lemon juice and 1 glass warm water in morning helps to reduce your belly fat and also make your skin fresh.
Honey is also very useful for our skin. Use of honey make your skin healthy, glowey and flawless.
Honey has anti aging properties and anti infection properties. If you want younger looking skin then use honey mask on face.
If your hair tips is damaged then apply honey on your hair tips for 15 minutes. It makes your hair healthy.