Fear Girls!!

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3 years ago

Some girls eeh. 

Fear them.. Girls are the most cunning creatures on earth. 

Fear women. 

Slowly trust them, girls can deceive 

Fear girls,

She can tell you I love you now and in the next minute she with another man. 

You can't predict a girl. Don't even try. Girls can be cunning faaaa!

Even the most noble girl, can be sleeping with your best friend. and you will not know. 

When you now finds out, she will tell you it just happened yesterday. She will say it's her first time. 

She will never agree that she has been dating that guy even while dating you. 

Fear girls

Listen to me young man, don't ever bet your life on a yeoman, no matter how lovely she is.

She can flip on you at any given chance. 

Don't bet your life for any girl, none of them worth it. Girls Girls!!! 

Fear them!!

A girl will be another in a  man's house, you will call her, she tell you she is sleeping, so you won't ask her where she is. 

The latest part now is switching off the phone. And she will tell you it's network. All so you can't reach her and find out where she is. 

Fear girls brothers.

One thing I have discovered about ladies is this, once they notice that they have hurt you, they will start acting all nice and caring. 

Guys watch out for that. Don't fall for the love and care of a woman that refused to look at ur face the previous day, she has done something wrong and she is afraid you will find out. 

Watch out guys!!

I know guys are not saints but not to  be compared to girls. 

If a guy is cheating you can easily notice but when a girl is cheating you will hardly notice. 

You see girls faaa!! Fear them oooo

And yes, there are still some good girls out there.. 

Let me rephrase, 

Fear some girlsnot all girls.

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3 years ago
