The unexpected journey

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3 years ago

-29th Sept, 2020

On the 27th of September, 2020 which was a sunday, what I normally do was to wake up, check my phone for important messages, check my PC if non get out if the room go to the bathroom take my bath, dress up and get ready for service. Sometimes I wait for my siblings if there is enough time to spare but if there is non I just head on straight to Church. But on this particular day things where gonna be different. I didn't sleep on time the night before so I was a bit wasted but my sister knocked on my door to wake me up and remind me that we were going toa different church today at a quite distant location. It was my mum's church. I didn't want to go but she said we must because a Thanksgiving service was gonna take place as a someone with her position she had to honour it by coming along with her family.

So that morning, I woke up at about 5:42am, I laid in bed for 10mins after before called by my sister. Then I got up, check my phone for messages, my PC was down so no need checking that. There was no power supply that morning, good thing I ironed my cloth the day before, I almost procrastinated but I just had to get over it. So I went out if the room to take my bath but my sister was in the bath room I had to wait I went around the house checking who was ready, turns out no one was so I was good. I went back to my room to make sure I had everything ready and I did. So I just had to wait for about 20mins before my sister was done, she took longer than usual well kind of, sometimes she could spend up to 2 hours in the bath room well that's when she has no where to go for that day.

So I took my bath and was done with 15mins a came out, got dressed and I was good to go... I went outside to wait for the others to get ready. They were all done with the next 10mins so we all walked downstairs and to the car. My dad was around so he would drive, I went to open the main gate, he drove out of the compound, I closed the gate and went out to join them in the car.

He sped of because we had I very long journey ahead of us so we had to close the gap so we don't get there too late. We live warri, Delta State at ugbomro but where we had to go was obiaroku which was after abraka. It was quite a distance if you are familiar with the location but like my mum said we just had to make it.

So we passed through osubi road, because it was the way that leads to abraka. Funny enough this was the first time I would be going to abraka since I was born... Yeah. I have never been there before. I know a lot about the area because I have friends and previous class mates who school there buy I have never been there. I didn't even know I would get to pass by the main school itself so I decided to take some pictures:

I took this from inside the car as we passed by, the university was closed, I think it was due to the corona. So they haven't resumed yet. The premises looked okay I this was actually their main campus and for a moment I was actually glad I came on this trip, at least I can now say I have seen delsu and I could talk about the premises and environment when I others are talking about it.

But then again, there was something really terrible I noticed, the road was very bad. It was just way too bad like imagine as high as my dad's car was when we got to a pot hole on the road the car was cover to a high extent that when we came out the smoke was coming out from the bonnet. I was like, damn how to the road to a very well known government university have such a bad road. Is it that the government would say they haven't come across the road before or that they haven't received complains before about the road. I don't think a pregnant woman can even pass through that road because the way the road was just bouncing me up and down it the car, wow I was just so unhappy.

I also know what Nigerians are capable of, they would use this as an ad a advantage to increase the price of transportation claiming that the road is bad and they would be the one to start repairing their vehicles after it gets spoiled from passing the road, but then again you can't really blame them because it's true. As carefully as my dad drove that day the car was a mess by the time we got back home, well I was the one to do the watching that night because he would be using the car the next day so I wasn't too happy about it, I watched the car into the night that day.

So the occasion was actually nice, when we got there the members welcomed us liked they knew us before. Guess my mum must have told them a lot about us because they were really close to here. After the Thanksgiving they share takeaways for us. Did I mention we didn't eat that morning before coming so as not to be late yeah but we managed till the close of the service we didn't even eat in the church we waited until we were in the car on our way back to warri before we started eating. While coming back we encountered some boys in the road with Cutlass and different weapons collecting money from passers by, they even stood on the road stopping cars from passing without giving them something. We then discovered it was their festival day and they used it as a means to collect money from people. Well my dad was familiar with these kind of things because he travels a lot so when we got to them he told them he didn't have anything to give them, when they saw how persistent he was they knew he must be familiar with the surrounding so they let us pass. He told us he could never give his money to traditional worshippers that it would go against being a Christian and yeah that was true, it would be like promoting the works of traditional worshippers. So we met different batch and groups of them along the road but my dad didn't give them a dime.

So thats how we made it back to warri, we got home at about 3:25pm and mehn was I tired. It felt like my whole body was flogged and I could barely move well, my buttock felt like it has shrinked. I just came down from the car opened the gate as they drove in I closed the gate and went straight into the house to my room, took my bath and went to sleep, I was a bit hungry but I didn't matter as that moment.

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$ 2.71 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago


Haha... such a ridiculously experience. The Nigeria government has no or little care for the condition of the roads and other infrastructures. Next time, try to proofread your articles before publishing it to check for errors

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah true... That became very clear after the current incident that happened in the country... and about the proof reading... Well, I am more of a free writer... I just write whatever pops into my head, full stop and hit public. Lolz. To me it's the best way to right and it's more comfortable for me because I don't always have much time but I like writing down my thoughts every now and then...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ok. That's cool

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ok. That's cool

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3 years ago