Telegram Features You Should Be Using!

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Is it accurate to say that you are utilizing Telegram to its fullest potential? Here are the best Telegram highlights you definitely should utilize!

Whatever your explanations behind utilizing Telegram, it's a strong informing application. It makes for an extraordinary option in contrast to WhatsApp and SMS informing, and on the off chance that you can convince your companions to join, Telegram is well worth utilizing.

In any case, on the off chance that you haven't moved past the fundamentals, you're passing up a ton of the best Telegram highlights. So in the article we subtleties some lesser-known highlights of Telegram that you may have neglected up to this point.

1. Utilize More Than One Phone Number

Have you at any point expected to change your telephone number however stressed over moving the entirety of your contacts and other data to the new number? While this can be a great deal of work, Telegram does everything for you. You can undoubtedly change the telephone number connected to your record without losing any of your talks or contacts.

To change the number you use with Telegram, slide out the left menu, open Settings, and tap on your telephone number under Account. At that point pick Change Number and adhere to the directions.

This will move all messages, customers, and media to your new portable number. Besides, Telegram will consequently add your new number for all your past contacts.

In the event that you need to add a second number as opposed to relocating, Telegram likewise allows you to utilize numerous records immediately. On the left sidebar, tap your contact data to extend the record switcher and pick Add Account. You can utilize this to, for instance, keep your own and expert lives separate without utilizing another courier application.

2. Transfer Multiple Profile Pictures

Talking about products, Telegram permits you to transfer extra profile photographs. While the most recent photograph is the profile picture your contacts will see, they can swipe to see the remainder of your photos.

To transfer new profile pictures, open Settings and tap on the camera symbol. You can snap a picture, transfer a current one, scan the web for another picture, or eliminate your present photograph. Tap your profile picture here to see all that you've transferred.

3. Attempt Secret Chats

While all Telegram talks are scrambled, default visits are as yet put away on Telegram's workers. This helpfully permits you to get to your messages on numerous gadgets, however it may raise security concerns.

For most extreme protection, you can make secret talks that utilization customer to-customer end encryption. These aren't put away on Telegram's workers, so you can just access them with your particular telephone. On the off chance that one gathering erases a message, it vanishes on the two gadgets. Also, you can determine a fall to pieces period for all media in the event that you like.

Basically slide out the left menu to begin another mysterious talk.

4. Tweak the Look of Telegram

In Telegram, you can change the default look's tones and foundation. In the event that you like, you can even set up your own custom topic to make your Telegram look precisely the manner in which you need it to look.

To change the subject, go to Settings > Chat Settings on Android, or Settings > Appearance on iOS. Here you can change the content size, bubble tones, night mode settings, and comparative alternatives. Pick Change Chat Background to set another backdrop for your gatherings.

To make your own topic, tap the three-spot (Android) or in addition to (iOS) button at the upper right and pick Create new subject. Here, you can make your own subject to get the ideal look.

Far better, because of Cloud Themes, you can share your custom topics (or attempt subjects made by others) utilizing a connection. On the off chance that the proprietor refreshes the topic, everybody utilizing it through that connection will see the changes. Long-push on a subject and pick Share to make it accessible to other people.

To discover more topics, Android clients can attempt the Themes for Telegram application. In the event that you utilize an iPhone, view the Telegram Themes subreddit.

5. Use Telegram Bots

In the same way as other types of computerized correspondence, Telegram incorporates chatbots. Bots add helpful capacities both all alone and into your talks; they can do everything from checking the climate to messing around.

6. Empower Auto-Night Mode

Do you appreciate utilizing both light and dull modes? Message has an auto-night highlight so the application doesn't visually impaired you around evening time. To utilize it, return to Settings > Chat Settings (Android) or Settings > Appearance (iOS). Select Auto-Night Mode to pick how it functions.

You'll have three choices to browse.

- System Default (Android) or System (iOS): Matches the subject to your working framework's present mode.

- Scheduled: Night mode will begin when the sun goes down and turn off when the sun rises once more. In the event that you like, you can rather set your own occasions for it to kill and on.

- Adaptive (Android) or Automatic (iOS): The mode will naturally turn dependent on the light level around you; you can characterize the edge.

7. Quiet Contacts and Groups

In case you're essential for some Telegram stations they can immediately get irritating. At the point when this occurs, you can generally quiet a talk without leaving it. Thusly, you can check it on your own terms as opposed to getting a ping for each new message.

On Android, tap the three-speck Menu button in the upper right of any Telegram visit and pick Mute notices. On iOS, tap the contact or gathering name at the highest point of the screen and pick Mute. At that point you can decide to quiet the talk for 60 minutes, eight hours, two days, or until the end of time.

8. Offer Your Live Location

Sharing your area allows others to watch out for your advancement to an objective or post for your security. In Telegram, open a talk, tap the paper cut catch, and pick Location to share it.

You can decide to share either your current or your live area. Tap Send chosen area for a one-time update about where you are. As you can see over, the application allows you physically to change this prior to sending, so don't confide in areas indiscriminately.

Offer My Live Location constantly refreshes for the time frame you determine: 15 minutes, 60 minutes, or eight hours.

9. Associate With a Proxy Server

On the off chance that you need to utilize Telegram in an area where it's hindered, you'll appreciate the Telegram work that permits you to interface through an intermediary worker. More often than not, it's smarter to utilize a VPN on your telephone, however an intermediary can in any case assist you with getting local limitations.

To utilize an intermediary worker in Telegram, open Settings > Data and Storage > Proxy Settings. Empower Use Proxy and you'll have to fill on the whole the necessary data to add it. You can discover worker data on the web if necessary.

10. Exploit Chat Tools

Wire offers a couple of other helpful alternatives in visits. You can erase any message by tapping it, at that point hitting the Trash symbol at the upper right. The application allows you to erase messages whenever - even messages that the other individual sent in a visit.

Wire likewise underpins hashtags. In the event that you tap a hashtag, you can look across the entirety of your initiate talks for it. This makes it simple to discover messages later on or classify data for yourself.

Another incredible choice in gatherings or channels is having the option to stick messages. Tap a message and pick Pin to keep it at the highest point of the talk, where everybody can without much of a stretch reference it.

There's additionally a concealed menu that shows up when you long-push on the Send button. Pick Schedule message to defer sending until a period later on. You can likewise tap Send When Online (covered up under the three-dab menu on Android) to send the message when the other individual is next dynamic on Telegram.

At long last, in the event that you would prefer not to upset the other individual, pick Send without sound to quietly convey the message to the next gathering.

11. Assume Responsibility for Privacy and Security

Since Telegram allows you to interface with individuals regardless of whether you're not in one another's reaches, you may wish to make your record more private. To change protection alternatives, head to Settings > Privacy and Security. Here, you can change who can see your telephone number, dynamic status, and that's just the beginning.

Wire additionally remembers valuable security alternatives for this menu. Use Passcode Lock to hold individuals back from perusing your visits. You can audit every Active Session and end any logins that you at this point don't utilize. Also, under Advanced, you can change how long should pass with no movement from you before Telegram will naturally erase your record.

12. Save Messages You Want to Access Anywhere

Next time you need to rapidly move a piece of media starting with one gadget then onto the next, Telegram has you covered. The Saved Messages talk is your very own cloud scratchpad for tracking data that you can access on any gadget where you're signed into Telegram.

To save a message from somewhere else in Telegram, tap it, pick Forward, and select Saved Messages to add it immediately. You can likewise glue text, connections, pictures, and whatever else you'd like from different sources.

This is inconceivably helpful for monitoring a significant URL, getting a picture to another gadget without distributed storage, or tracking significant data. Tap the title bar at the top to peruse by media type.

Utilize These Telegram Features to Become a Pro!

With these highlights, you're prepared to turn into a high level Telegram client and exploit the application. Message is an extraordinary all-around courier, particularly when you begin utilizing its best highlights and know everything it's prepared to do.

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3 years ago
