Self Discipline

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I know from experience that many people would fall into this category because most time we feel too at ease and let things slide and its gradually becoming a way of life for us as humans.

What is Self Discipline?

Well, self discipline is the ability of a person to constrain yourself to do something or perform a specific task or stay on track when carry out the task. It is the ability to maintain control over yourself on continuously motivate yourself to keep doing what is right or required of you despite the odds.

In our world today many find it difficult to discipline themselves. They compromise easily for material things. A person who is discipline put his integrity first before himself. It not very easy to find people who have true self discipline. Self Discipline has it reward and it is a good attribute to cultivate as a human. It makes others to trust you completely.

How to become self disciplined

  • Identify your weakness

  • Avoid temptations

  • Set clear goals

  • Create new habits

  • Keep it simple

  • Read Motivational Books

  • Be yourself

That's just some of the ways we can attain self discipline. Embrace it and it would take you far.

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This is a topic really worth mentioning in our present world where many have lost this attribute

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah... we are driven by wants and desires that we can't bring ourselves to be disciplined

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Plenty of self discipline here so I cannot tell if this is something "many people would fall in". Is your experiences based on yourself or do you work with unmotivated people?

To those who are really unmotivated, have no self discipline the tips given will not help except for the " keep it simple". You need self discipline to stick to rules. 💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

you see them as rules... I see them as an advice

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Discipline is a way for you to communicate with people from all walks of life.No one wants to mix with people who don't know discipline

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice article.keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

most of us, it’s a work in progress wrapped in good intentions, procrastination, and feelings of failure. But it doesn’t have to be. Self-discipline, like everything else, is a practice. Not every day will be perfect, but each day -- with its failures and small wins -- is progress, and that’s what self-discipline is all about.

I’ve rounded up steps you can take today to build self-discipline. Coupled with a healthy understanding of what self-discipline is and a little inspiration, this post gives you the tools you need to develop a practice of self-discipline in everything you do

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a strange coincidence. Just a few minutes ago I wrote in a comment to another article here that self-discipline is one of the most important qualities to develop - and then I found this post from you :) This is very well written also. But I think it would be better with "continuously" instead of "continually".

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Really... what a coincidence. I just got the inspiration after watching a video clip on youtube. Thanks for the suggestion, I would update that right away. Thanks also for the tip and support.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Self discipline is one of the key factors to become successful in life. Lack of self discipline leads to failure in achieving the set goal.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah well said... self discipline should be more prioritized

$ 0.00
4 years ago

self dicipline is one of the key factors to succeed in life...without dicipline no one can succeed

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah... no one can truly succeed...

$ 0.00
4 years ago