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When we say motivation different concept and ideas and definitions comes to mind. This is a very broad subject and can sometimes get really complicated based on the direction or angle you look at it from.

What is Motivation?

So from my own perspective I would say motivation is the drive or reason you are doing something, or the level of desire you have to do something. Motivation is the process of stimulating people to perform certain actions in order to attain a certain goal. There are different types of motivation.

Let's see the Extrinsic and the Intrinsic motivation. The Extrinsic motivation is the kind of motivation that occurs as a result of things outside us, things around us. some example of extrinsic motivation includes mostly material things and physical things. In this type of motivation, you would see people who are motivated because they want to attain a certain standard of living, so they are motivated by what they see is attainable when you have money so they strive to also get that money. So money can also fuel motivation. Just like on, there is a lot of motivation going around. The platform is built to motivate writers to write good contents and be interactive and paying them for it. Also members tip on another which can also create motivation for upcoming writers.

Then for Intrinsic motivation, it is the kind of motivation that comes from within. This type of motivation can be caused by emotional feeling we get from one thing or the other. Let's say for instance you love someone and you got married to the person. So you feel like it's your duty to make that person feel comfortable so you decided to get a good job that can help you achieve that goal. That motivation was as a result of obligation you feel within you.

These two types of motivation can sometimes go together. But the important note here is in life we need motivations to achieve goals. So we know self discipline plays a big role here too but when we start getting wary we can self motivate ourselves to carry on. If you lack motivation, you would find it difficult to do anything for long without getting bored of it.

We have to motivate ourselves daily, so we can keep doing that which is required.

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This is really a nice. Kudos to you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well stated... Motivation keeps us going even when the goes seems tough... Keep writing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is very good, both the writing and the thinking behind. A clearly developed theme. You are getting better and better for every day. This is a huge improvement since your first couple of posts.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you sir for the feedback, i really appreciate it, it all thanks to your support and this community that I was able to attain this...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I'm glad to hear that and I hope that you will continue to evolve as a writer. You have good potential.

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4 years ago

Thanks, your article really throws light on the subject motivation, I was enlightened on this subject.

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4 years ago

Motivation is the process by which a person is being stimulated to do a job.. Motivation is important for success in life.. You can't believe how motivation from a nearest one works. A person can get success in a work when he/she knows that someone have trust on him/her.

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User's avatar Apu
4 years ago

yeah you understand what motivation truly is from the right perspective but most time you are told not to rely on motivation because anything you need motivation to do... Is not worth do at all?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

your article is so motivated brother and I have encourage for read your article. many many thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You are welcomed my friend. I believe you can in motivation too because it keeps you going even when you want to quit.

$ 0.00
4 years ago