Failure breeds Success

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Written by
3 years ago

- 10th Oct, 2020

Most times when we talk about success and successful people, we seem to omit or skip the part about their failures. We always talk about them achieving so much in life because they were determined. But we don't care to understand that they made mistakes before they attained success.

No one is perfect and that is the sole truth, failure is the path way to success. I am not saying we must always fail but failure is something that is inevitable and somewhat essential to success. If you succeed with out making a single mistake that's good but imagine a situation where by someone goes the same part as you did and fails. How would you be able to guide the person out of that situation? It would be difficult for you because you might not understand the person's situation because you never encountered such issues while going through that path. So that why sometimes it good to acknowledge failure because it is the stepping stone to success.

I remember back then when I just finished secondary school, all I wanted to study in the university was computer science or engineering because I was a tech fan... I loved anything tech, so I just kept that at the center of my head. I didn't bother to research other ways I could still study other courses and apply technical knowledge as well. So when I wrote my wave I skipped two essential courses I needed to gain admission into my course of study which was computer science. So I missed the admission I had to pick a different course or go back to write WAEC again, well that was not an option I could consider at he time so I decided to pick a different course, during the holidays a got into a training session and I discovered embedded systems, we even had the opportunity to have a live lecture and I was blown away that was when I decided that I would give this a try, I checked the schools requirement for electrical and electronics engineering and funny enough I met all the requirements... I was a bit angry with myself for being so stubborn and not seeing other options in front of me but I was glad I didn't stick to only computer science. So the next year I took the POST UTME exams and I scaled through easily my admission came a month later. I was really glad and so far I have been really enjoying the classes because my passion was there. I could still apply my programming knowledge into solving electrical problem... That was more than what I expected but it was awesome.

So you can see if I never failed I would never had realize that I had other better options, though it cost me to stay home a year but I learned a lot more from that. So do not always be afraid to fail but always make sure you get back up and keep pushing on when you fail. Learn from your failures and use them to propel yourself in the right direction which the right amount of effort and trust me you would excel.

~ Never give up

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Written by
3 years ago
