Be Your own Superhero!

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Written by
4 years ago

This morning, I was watching Man of Steel and as most of you already know, Superman is the character star of this movie.

Seeing him do things heightened my emotions and I had no idea when I wished to be like him too.

The exact statement I made was: 'Kai to be Superman good oh. I wish I was Superman.'

But then, I realized that becoming Superman is not actually an easy thing to do for me, taking into consideration the responsibilities and all other things attached but that's not the point anyway.

Here's my point:

Most of us are like this - always wanting to be like someone else and when the journey of wanting to be like someone else gets tough, we give up and retire to square zero.

It's absolutely right if you want to imitate or try to copy an admirable quality in someone else but it's absolutely wrong to try to be like them even if it's your role model or mentor.

Probably they've been through a lot, made sacrifices, done lots of things and handles huge responsibilities you're not yet ready for.

It's not as if they're better than you but your destinies differ and the weight of responsibility handed down to every man differs. This is very evident in the Parable of the Talents.

So you may or may not possess the capacity to handle the weight of someone else's destiny. In fact, you cannot!

Superman can never be Batman and Batman can never be Superman. They have their own destinies, character and uniqueness but they are all Superheroes and the sky is open for them to defeat their Villains and make a name for themselves.

In the same vein, you must be your own Superhero, identify your own Superpower and defeat your own villain.

Discover yourself, your uniqueness and potential for that is where your own greatness and purpose lies.

You can to an extent do what people do to pay the price for true greatness but it is entirely different from trying to be exactly like them.

You cannot be like them but you can learn their accurate success strategy, learn from their own story, analyze & implement what you get in tandem with your uniqueness and personality.

We are all still learning & by God's grace, we have the ability to distinguish between truth and error and to critically discern matters of life to a certain degree; to hoow much we have invested in our minds.

But the bottomline is that you cannot be like someone else.

In conclusion, 'Be your own Superhero & stop wearing the mask of someone else because it may not end well if you don't'.'

Thanks for reading this article, Consider leaving a thumbs up below and look forward to my next piece.

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Written by
4 years ago


we realize that we cannot be batman or superman, since we have other abilities, or powers that they do not have, which are the genesis of our own power, up to the point of view, to fight for justice.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice write phavvy

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice to read your article. It is very The saying, “Always choose your words carefully” is applicable not only during inter-personal communication but it holds true in a corporate context as well, especially during sensitive matters like performance reviews. A performance review needs to be a balanced affair where as a manager or supervisor you are required to state the obvious, and communicate an effective feedback to the employees. The secret is to craft your performance review comments in such a manner to be specific and short and succinct without sounding on the edge.

Heres a comprehensive list of example phrases, comments, and constructive feedback examples as ideas and inspiration for your next performance review , performance self appraisal, 360 peer review, or just offering continuous feedback as part of employee performance and development.

These example performance review phrases can be use when writing comments in a positive or negative feedback context.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

one person can never be the same as another, we will have similar but we will never be the same, each one has his way of being that will be useful in life,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Truly we can be superhero own our own. Pretending to be someone else is nothing but cowardeness.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am my superhero!! Thanks for this article

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4 years ago

Life is about experiences... Thanks for that article

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4 years ago

We can all be superheroes/heroines in different ways as long as we apply ourselves

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We can all be superheroes in our own unique ways. I reflected after reading this article. And it really hits me hard. Thank you

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4 years ago

I love man of steel.... I can play again and again

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah... as do I... I find him to be quite the super hero, with more than one super power

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4 years ago

I am my super hero thanks for sharing

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4 years ago

thats great to know... keep on being the best version of yourself and you would sour...

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4 years ago

Thats good to know, be the best you can be.

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4 years ago

But I like wearing a mask, because in reality it is better and more acceptable in today's society. For motivational words and language recommendations are just nonsense for today that comes out of the mouths of most people. If you want proof, many people are still neglected and want to win by themselves. So for the word to be a superhero yourself is indeed the right pattern for today, because everyone wants to be an late hero.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yah! This is a true picture of how life is, because each and everyone of us have different purposes to serve. Be yourself!

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4 years ago

I never wanted to be someone else. To be honest this is something I only hear people in the USA say. I never heard any Dutch kid in my entire life say it neither my own children. To me, it sounds as if you are not satisfied with yourself and you have a lack of self-esteem. That was what I thought as a pen pal from the USA came over and told me he started a club for kids with the name: Be your own hero. He explained to me why he named it like that and the only thing I could think was "what a pathetic children they all want to be a superhero". Well, now you know why your title catches my attention.


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Seeing him do things heightened my emotions and I had no idea when I wished to be like him too.

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4 years ago