A Call To My ReadCash Family

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Economy

Good day friends and family of the ReadCash community, I hope we are all doing well.

I know this is not the usual type of articles I write but I had to write this because I really need your help.

I am a student of the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun (FUPRE), I am currently studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering and I am in my 2nd year (200 level).

Yes I am a Nigerian Student. I know there is a lot of discrimination in world about Africans and Nigerians but I believe and I know you won't allow that cloud your judgement. There are still good citizens who want the nation to be a better place but not everyone is able to make a significant impact on the economy due to our financial state.

Truly most people in Nigeria don't want to get Rich and be millionaires they just want to be able to take of their basic needs and support their family but even that is not so easy to attain as each day passes the cost of living increases rapidly, so it becomes more difficult to sustain one's self.

As I write this now I am lying on the floor of my hostel where I have been reading all night in preparation for my exams which is to begin on the 10th of March 2021, which is a few days from now. The only problem now is I can't shake the feeling that I might not be able to write the exam because I haven't been able to pay my school fees.

I was able to hustle and pay it last year doing some petty jobs offline and online but as it is now all opportunities to make money online just keeps getting almost impossible especially to Nigerians because of so much restrictions to our country.

My school fees is 37000 naira which is about $83 and I have been able to raise about $40 Working here on read cash and other platforms. But it's only a few days now and i don't know how possible it is to raise the remaining balance seeing as it took me quite some time to raise the first half.

Please I don't want to be a burden to my parents because they are not so financially stable and I know how difficult it is to take care of someone for years. I have younger siblings who rely on my parents so I dont want to add to that weight. That's why I decided to reach out to my family on read cash who has always been so supportive of my content.

Please I need your help in raising the remaining balance of $43. I know it's quite much but please anything u have would surely go a long way. I know I might be a nobody but I believe God still hear prayers that why I had to make effort to succeed even when the odds are not in my favour.

I would be tagging some people below, please anything you have would surely go a long way. If you don't have as well I understand but please don't be offended that I tagged you. My future is on the line here and I don't want to quit so soon.

@MarcDeMesel, @Telesfor @wrabbiter @Koush @decoded @gerl @Chargurl @lilsoftx @ReviewAndAnalysisChris @Dangerous_Fly @SofiaCBCH @beemo-bch @Read.Cash @Mictorrani @memehub

Please even if you don't have anything to give you can support my by sharing with others. God bless you as you do. I believe so much in you guys as here is the only place I have truly be appreciated.

$ 0.09
$ 0.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for phavvy
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Economy


Well friend, I am sorry to say that there are doubts about your claim. Though you didn't mention me on the article I happened to be the first to open it. You should have included photos of yourself in your school and where you said you were lying down. That would make your claim authentic. Maybe you can edit it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh sorry about that... There are a lot of individuals here to take note of, thanks for the advice I would do that now

$ 0.00
3 years ago