9 cool YouTube tricks that could make your life easier

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3 years ago

You can get more out of YouTube with these cool YouTube URL deceives that let you make GIFs, circle recordings, and the sky is the limit from there.

Despite the fact that YouTube stays the chief video website on the web, you most likely don't contemplate altering it. However, regardless of whether you're an easygoing client or watch online recordings consistently, there are a wide range of approaches to change YouTube.

A significant class of these are unique YouTube connect stunts. How about we take a gander at some YouTube URL stunts to assist you with getting of the help, such as transforming recordings into GIFs.

Directly link to any piece of a video

Regularly, when you duplicate a connect to a YouTube video and open it, it begins from the earliest starting point. In any case, on the off chance that you need to show somebody a specific segment of a video or skirt an extensive introduction, you can add a timestamp to the URL to begin it around then.

You can do this in a few different ways. By physically adding &t=YmXXs to the furthest limit of a video URL, you'll set it to begin Y minutes and XX seconds into the video. You can discard minutes, or utilize just seconds, for example, 90s briefly and a half.

So for instance, this video:


Can be shared at two minutes into the video utilizing this URL:


On the off chance that you would prefer not to utilize the manual strategy, stop the video at the time you'd prefer to share it at, at that point right-click and pick Copy video URL at current time.

Circle a video vastly

YouTube is an extraordinary spot for tuning in to music that you can't discover somewhere else, for example, computer game soundtracks for examining. In case you're into a tune and need to hear it out again and again, you can add repeater after youtube in the URL.

This will open the video at YouTubeRepeater.com, which circles the video for you.

So change this URL:


To this to circle it:


Utilizing the choices beneath the video on the new page, you can change the beginning or end times for the video, whenever wanted.

While we needed to feature the URL hack strategy, you can likewise do this locally on YouTube. Spot on snap on YouTube video and switch Loop on to continue to play it.

ByPass age Restriction

YouTube has age limitations on specific recordings hailed as containing experienced substance. Regardless of whether you don't have a YouTube account or don't want to sign in to watch one, you can play out a little stunt to sidestep marking in.

Take a YouTube URL for a limited video like this:


Presently, add nsfw before the youtube some portion of the connection, as demonstrated here:


The video will open on another site that includes no age limitation. On the off chance that you actually see the message about age limitation, click the here to attempt one more strategy text at the highest point of the page. This will stack it on another page that will ideally play the video effectively.

Skip a specific length of the Intro

Like the URL stunt that allows you to pick the beginning season of a video, you can likewise decide to avoid a specific number of seconds toward the beginning of the video. You can't indicate minutes with this one, so utilize 90 (seconds) briefly and a half.

So to skirt the initial 30 seconds of this video:


Add &start=30 to the furthest limit of the URL and get this:


This is like the circumstance one, however is somewhat quicker to type and doesn't expect you to recollect a certain timestamp.

Guarantee a custom YouTube Channel

In the event that you have your own YouTube channel and meet certain necessities, you can set a vanity URL for your page. This is a lot simpler to recall than the default arbitrary series of characters, so it merits accomplishing for simpler connecting via web-based media and different locales.

To get a custom URL, your channel needs to meet the accompanying models:

- Have at any rate 100 endorsers

- Be at any rate 30 days old

- Have a transferred profile photograph and channel workmanship

On the off chance that you fulfill these, head to YouTube Studio by clicking your profile picture at the upper right of YouTube and picking YouTube Studio. On the left menu, click Customization, trailed by Basic information at the top.

On this page, under Channel URL, you'll see your channel's typical URL just as the field to set a Custom URL, in case you're qualified. Utilize this to pick your channel's vanity URL.

You can just have each custom URL in turn. In the event that you as of now have one, you can't transform it, yet you're permitted to eliminate your present URL and make another one, if it's accessible. This is just an alternative three times each year, so don't transform it time after time.

When your custom URL is set up, anybody can go to youtube.com/[YourCustomURL] to visit your channel.

Bounce Straight to Your YouTube Subscriptions

Commonly, the recommendations offered by YouTube aren't helpful. Regardless of whether your proposals are loaded up with unusual substance or the landing page contains recordings you couldn't care less about, you can set a superior YouTube greeting page.

At the point when you're endorsed in, take a stab at changing your YouTube bookmark from the principle landing page to your memberships page utilizing this URL:


This allows you to see the most current recordings from channels you buy in to, so you don't miss any of their new substance. Along these lines, you're in charge of what you see, rather than YouTube choosing for you.

Snatch the Thumbnail of Any Video

It's basic when scanning Google for pictures to see pictures from YouTube recordings, normally named maxresdefault. With a URL change, you can undoubtedly see an excellent thumbnail for any YouTube video (in the event that it has one) by visiting the accompanying:


Supplant the [VideoID] with the content after the v= toward the finish of a YouTube video. So to see the thumbnail for this video:


Visit this connection:


Make a GIF from a YouTube Video

Discovered a YouTube video that has a GIF-commendable second? You can without much of a stretch make an enlivened GIF from any piece of a video by adding gif before the YouTube connect.

So to alter this video into a GIF:


Change the URL to this:


You'll be brought to gifs.com, where you can mix it up of impacts and yield the GIF however you would prefer. When done, share the GIF to informal organizations with a simple connection or download it for care.

Note that uncommonly long recordings won't work with this help.

Blend Music From YouTube Videos

This one is definitely not a genuine URL hack, as you can't visit it directly from YouTube. In any case, it actually utilizes YouTube URLs, so we're including it. Visit YouTube DJ and you can add two YouTube URLs to combine their music. Utilize the controls to set easy route focuses to various pieces of the melodies, and change the blurring and speed as you see fit.

In the event that you've ever thought two music tracks would go together quite well, this is the site for you!

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Written by
3 years ago


Great tips thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are welcome, I hope they are help to you. Thanks for the feedback. I really do appreciate.

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3 years ago