Why is good to wake up early when you are quarantined?

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3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Lifestyle, Day, Dreams, ...

Why is good to wake up early when you are quarantined?

Today I decided to write something about my days, and maybe of some of you are in the same situation, due to Covid-19 a lot of countries are with the majority of places and merchants closed, and a lot of people are in-home or have lost the job, anyway, I still go out due to this situation, but not working, for now, here in Brazil the Government(again) secreted to close almost everything due to this pandemic, and makes no sense, everything was opened 3 weeks ago, but now it's closed again.

I hate this!

When I Talk about waking early I'm meaning only until we are quarantined, because we don't need to work, and most of those people are enjoying or just waking up late because they have nothing to do, I'll explain why is good to wake up early now, don't need to be 5 am, but it's good to not wake up like 11 am.

At this time of the writing of this post, it's exactly 8:39 AM here, and Yes, I've been waking up early nowadays, but at the beginning of this pandemic, I was not.

In the beginning, I had no time to go up from bed, and my day was not that good as it now, because I was not having breakfast, or even a coffee, I was getting up almost at Launch time, this is not good at all, when my day already starts was noon already, when we wake so late looks like our day pass really more fast we don't do many things, even sleeping a lot looks like we are more tired along the day, I was not doing any exercise, nothing, just waking up, eating, watching tv, surfing on the internet, and damn, that is dangerous.

And why waking up early during all this shit?

The answer is quite simple, to be honest, but let's go through.

It makes your day Better.

I'm not saying to you go up 6 am, just don't wait to leave the bed 11 am, you be almost losing all your day, for example, since October I decided to wake up earlier, and my days started to be really better, every day I'm going out to walk, around 45min-1hour of walking every day, I do my Coffe, eat something and more, today as an example, I've taken a fast shower, I'm writing this post with my coffee mug, and when I finish here I'll go out to walk, when I go back will be still not even 11 am, if I wake up late I'll not even want to walk, and this is bad, due to all this corona thing it's really recommended to walk or do any kind of exercise, I still have time to check my cats, change the food and sand before I reach the launch time, so I'll be more productive and at night I'll fall sleep easier and not so late, doing this you are less susceptible to have anxiety crisis, for example, you keep your mind and body more tired at the end of the day.

Another good point is when everything starts to come back and I'll need to go back to work, my body and My mind will not feel so much impact since I'll be not waking up so late, this is really important, working tired as hell is one of the worst things I've experienced in my life, so, starting working out in some plan, if you are waking up late, try to reduce it, for 1 hour, for example, you will see, your day will be more productive and less boring, make some plans, start working in something different, you can try writing some content for read.cash, anything, enjoy your free time, and do go crazy.

You don't need to wake up at 5 am!

The main point is: the simple fact of waking up early is not necessarily synonymous with instant success at work. In fact, depending on the person, it can end up having a negative effect.

It is important to get a full night's sleep and sleep the same number of hours each night, going to bed at the same time. An even worse scenario? If you sleep less to become an early riser. This means that you can be affected by the many negative symptoms of sleep deprivation, including bad mood, lack of concentration, potential weight gain, anxiety, increased risk of heart disease, and high blood pressure.

As I said before, make a plan, sleep well, and wake up early, don't try to do crazy things, just make a better time for your day, waking like 1-2 hours early will be really good.

_ all Images used are from Unsplash.

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3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Lifestyle, Day, Dreams, ...
