Why I'm not worried about BCH? We are not losing, we are having the same opportunity once again.

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2 years ago

Hello Everyone, how are you all doing? Not so good? Why?

Complaints and more complaints about crypto prices, and I saw a lot about Bitcoin Cash Too, well I understand, but let's talk more about that.

Change your point of view now, stop thinking, This is bad, I'm losing.

Try to think positive like this: "It's an opportunity, the price is now cheap", today small buys can make a huge impact, how many times did you see BCH around this price? we have seasons in the cryptocurrency market, and we are facing it.

My strategy now is this one:

TRY TO GET BITCOIN CASH, as Much as you can, write here to earn, work for it, buy it, and you don't need to be rich, think about it, start making small purchases, do you have 20$ to buy crypto today? so Buy it, next month, buy a little more, look at the charts, this 20$ can be 200$+ ins 2 Years, or even more.

This is not Exclusively on BCH, all the cryptocurrencies are in a huge fall, it's time to stay strong now!

Keep this in mind:

We are not losing, we are having the same opportunity once again.

You don't need to be rich, buy small amounts and thank me in a few years.


$ 1.09
$ 0.99 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @molecular
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2 years ago
