The Hero and the BCH, Daniel Fraga Update His YT Channel with BCH info

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3 years ago

The Hero and the BCH, Daniel Fraga Update His YT Channel with BCH Infos

The Bitcoin Cash Hero, Daniel Fraga, is a big supporter of BCH, he already talked about BTC blocks before he disappears.

Don't know who is Daniel Fraga?

An American YouTuber named Arthur James McDaniel produced a kind of mini-documentary in English about the history of bitcoin pioneer in Brazil, Dâniel Fraga.

The Gamer From Mars channel, which is how the author calls himself, posted the video on Tuesday (19) and in 12 hours it had more than 60,000 views. The script was written by Izzy Nobre, who in the past antagonized Fraga's ideas about bitcoin, but ended up acknowledging that he was wrong.

The video starts with the call about Fraga's location, which is unknown. Then, amidst a scene recorded inside a forest, The Gamer claims that the Brazilian made a lot of money with bitcoin and that he is a millionaire, with one difference:

“While many of the bitcoin pioneers get rich and waste their money, one of them is on the run from the government. Today, let's discuss this story,” he says.

The situation changes when Fraga nominates Kassab as responsible for the problem in a video published in April 2010. From then on, he constantly cites the then mayor. A few months later, he appears on camera for the first time in the style that consecrated him.

From then on, the channel starts to grow. "It's something that was trivialized for people but that needed someone to show it on the internet to give the 'click' in everyone's head."

Over time, the video says, Fraga adopted the political philosophy of anarcho-liberalism. He became an ancap, as they say in Brazil. More than that: he became perhaps the main voice in Brazil on the subject.

Gradually, Fraga's controversies began to grow as well. The first big problem started when Fraga criticized a candidate for mayor in Campinas, who sued him. Like a snowball of controversy, the Brazilian also criticized the judge responsible for the case, who, in turn, also filed a lawsuit trying to remove the video from the internet.

Fraga was then ordered to withdraw the video under penalty of a fine, but he refused to do so. The case grew in popularity and the judge decided to drop the charges.

The mini-documentary shows the escalation of other conflicts between Fraga in court and politicians, without Fraga relenting. When the court turned over his bank account, he found less than R$30 to confiscate. Fraga had possibly converted everything into bitcoin and therefore became a millionaire years later.

Since then, there have also been lawsuits by two auditors from the Internal Revenue Service who were called thieves and one by ex-deputy Cidinha Campos, who was unable to seek the requested reparation in court, precisely because she did not know where Daniel Fraga is.

The anarcho-capitalist YouTuber Daniel Fraga — pioneer of Bitcoin in Brazil that mysteriously disappeared in 2017 — gave a sign of life on Youtube. The information was initially posted on a Facebook group about cryptocurrencies.

Fraga recently inserted in his channel, with 139 thousand subscribers, a link to the website ‘’. The address, as consulted in Whois, was registered on January 15 this year, which indicates that YouTuber entered the platform this year.

Whybitcoincash belongs to Kim Dotcom, creator of the now-defunct Megaupload. The site is basically a virtual pamphlet in favor of Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin hard fork (BTC) promoted by Roger Ver. “Bitcoin Cash believes in the original vision for Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto”.

The last time Fraga showed signs of life was in November last year when he used his account at LocalBitcoins, a platform that allows P2P bitcoin exchanges.

fame and disappearance

Fraga gained fame for not being outspoken when talking about issues such as politics and economics and for having bought BTC when the cryptocurrency was worth only R$12 a unit.

Because of the acid comments, YouTubers became the target of lawsuits filed by various authorities, such as mayors, deputies, tax auditors, and even judges.

The Federal Government even filed a lawsuit asking for the removal of three videos posted by him on YouTube, which was attended to by the Court. Copies made by other YouTubers, however, did not need to be removed and are still available on the platform, as per the decision of December 2020 of the Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region.

It was this persecution by the state that, according to crypto market enthusiasts, made Fraga disappear. At the beginning of last year, an American YouTuber talked about the disappearance of the anarcho-capitalist in a mini-documentary: “While many of the bitcoin pioneers get rich and are wasting their money, one of them is running away from the government”, he said, referring to the Brazilian.

fans celebrate

The sign of life given by Fraga left fans of the anarcho-capitalist happy with their lives. “Alive and lucid as always. Fraga is one of the few people I admire,” a profile identified as Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor IV wrote on Facebook.

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