The first website that has said "bitcoin has no future" no longer exists.

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4 years ago

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The first website that has said "bitcoin has no future" no longer exists.

The story is always the same, every time bitcoin falls, some “economist” or website “specialized” in finance matters declares the digital currency as “dead”.

In Brazil, there is also no shortage of critics who, after 11 years of digital currency life, have not yet been able to understand the purpose of foundation of bitcoin (even if their documentation is only 6 pages long).

Out of ignorance, ignorance, or even channeling, these “critics” don't miss an opportunity to say “I told you so” every time bitcoin faces a downturn.

The strategy of saying "I told you so" reminds a lot of a "psychic" at the end of his career who "predicts" something random, like, "a natural catastrophe is going to happen this year", and when anything happens he says, "I didn't say!?

The fact is that the 99 bitcoins website has cataloged more than 350 stories from major newspapers around the world that have already “buried” bitcoin over the course of its 11 years of life, these sites have stated several times that it was the end of the digital currency or that she had no future.

The irony here is that the first website that declared bitcoin as dead is gone. Underground Economist did the story in 2010, saying the only thing that kept bitcoin alive (since 2009) was its "new" status.

"the only thing that’s even kept Bitcoin alive this long is its novelty. Either it will remain a novelty forever or it will transition from novelty status to dead faster than you can blink." -

Bitcoin has already “died” another 380 times

According to Bitcoin obituaries, bitcoin has “died” at least 380 other times. The year that most stories buried the digital currency was in 2017 when it was widely regarded as a bubble.

A Forbes columnist went so far as to call the digital currency a “big hit”. Bitcoin has already been killed by major sites such as Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, CNN, BBC, among others.

2018, when it faced a drop of more than 80%, was the second year with more negative news, 93 in total.

In its early life, bitcoin was considered a financial pyramid. In the following years, it was more often referred to as a bubble. Nowadays it is referred to as “risky asset”.

In any case, bitcoin remains strong and steady, meanwhile, economists with a doctorate cosplay cosplayer say that bitcoin will die. One day he will die.

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @Koush
Avatar for phabulu
4 years ago


lol i loved the picture of this article and the gif in the end. it suits the article perfectly haha. but seriously, yes alot of experts and financial sites thinks BTC and cryptos has no future..idk why tho. all signs says the opposite. hopefully they will witness soon how mistaken they were.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Haha the title is very matching with the lead image. I cant stop laughing seeing the lead image. Might be the websit feel to shy to exist. After seeing the bitcoin achievement.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Medium. And CNN, here also at the ABC. I watched it on the you tube

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Not on the Economist

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4 years ago