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3 years ago

The world is changing, and financial are getting worst, start geting more BCH now.

Well said, there’s more to this actually

1. Biden printed 6 trillion USD from thin air into an already COVID-slowed economy.

2.US Billionaire (Musk) says his company will no longer accept Bitcoin (citing “environment concerns” and causing massive FUD. People rush to convert crypto back to fiat)

3.As market begins to recover, Reuters (a news agency known for cooperating with the CIA - Check Wiki) releases an article about “China Banning Bitcoin” (which actually cites a random Chinese law change from 2017)

4. As market begins to recover, US Billionaire (Musk) posts memes about “breaking up with Bitcoin” causing massive FUD. People rush to convert crypto back to fiat.

5. As market begins to recover, US Billionaire (Trump), after experiencing media blackout for weeks, appears spontaneously on the news to tell us that “Bitcoin is a scam”…causing massive FUD. People rush to convert crypto back to fiat.

6.FBI allegedly seize millions worth of Bitcoin from “Ransomware hackers” which will (they imply) be liquidated back into fiat…causing massive FUD. People rush to convert crypto back to fiat.

$ 0.63
$ 0.61 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @JLoberiza
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Ugh! I knew Trump's statement and that ransomware fiasco had something to do with the latest dump!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago