New Ethereum fork doesn't have enough support and worries community

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4 years ago

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New Ethereum fork doesn't have enough support and worries community

In about 4 days the second largest cryptocurrency will undergo a fork (update for improvements), however, more than half of the network did not upgrade the necessary software.

According to etherenodes, 61% of Ethereum customers are not ready for the Istanbul fork.

If the upgrade is not done, a good part of the network will continue to run the old software, increasing the centralization of Ethereum. Inattention to the fork is worrying the community.

Perhaps the lack of relevant new resources is one of the reasons why Istanbul has not picked up traction within the community itself. The following changes will be made:

Alignment of opcodes with the network's operational cost and improved resistance to DDOS.

Layer 2 performance improvement based on Snarks and Starks.

It will enable the integration between Monero and Zcash, making them interoperable.

It will add more functions to Ethereum contracts.

Other small improvements will be made, such as adjustments to the transaction cost and increased functionality for developers;

The fork is expected to happen in block 9,069,000 (~ 4 days from now), will the nodes be updated by then?

So far, few exchanges have announced what they are going to do at the time of the fork, generally, trades are halted until the update is stable.

$ 0.20
$ 0.10 from @Koush
$ 0.10 from @tula_s
Avatar for phabulu
4 years ago


Nice article . I also heard about delaying in staking of ethereum. As per announcent of its Ceo . Wondering when will it be possible.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for this information. I strongly believe that the new fork can only have good support if it has some new values that it will add to supporters crypto experience.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago