Tips to help your child and pet bond

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2 years ago
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Having a pet is very important to a child. Feeding a living thing and being close friends with it cannot be compared with anything else. It helps create memories that will never be forgotten for life. It's not just limited to these. For children, having a pet has much deeper and more positive meanings. Experts say that pets have many benefits for children's physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.

The saying "Animals are man's best friend" is not in vain. The earlier this friendship starts, the more effective it is. However, getting along with children and animals does not always happen spontaneously. Parents need to be careful in this regard and train both their pets and their children. Here are tips for pet parents to help kids and pets form a loving and secure bond:

1. Always watch

Children can sometimes be unintentionally rude to pets. He may want to touch his face, his eyes, and suddenly jump on him. It may not be right to leave a very excited child or pet alone. That's why you should always keep an eye on your pet, especially when you introduce your child to the pet for the first time.

2. Explain to your child that your pet is not a toy

Children sometimes treat pets like toys. He can be too intimate with his closest friends, whom they liken to their own furry, soft toys. Behaviors such as tugging, pinching their tail, pulling their ears can also make pets angry. You should explain to your child that your pet is also a living creature and that he may not like certain behaviors, and that it is wrong to treat him as he likes.

3. Teach your child the rules

Your child may not know how to treat pets and may sometimes make mistakes when approaching the cute animal in front of him. That's why you should teach your child how to treat pets. Behaviors such as tail pinching and disturbing the animal while eating can make even the most docile pet nervous. Apart from these, you can make your child take responsibility in this regard by teaching the rules about the care of the pet.

4. Pay attention to cleanliness

All pets shed more or less. Your child may feel uncomfortable with these hairs or have problems swallowing the hairs. Therefore, you can get rid of the lint problem by vacuuming your house regularly. This is important for teaching your child that owning a pet does not mean living in a house with fluff. Apart from the hair problem, you should also clean your pet's food and water bowls regularly. You can even teach your child how to do this cleaning.

5. Train your pet

Even if your pet is trained, it may not be easy to accept a new member of your family. Sometimes, your pet may harm your child by getting too excited because he is not aware of his own size. That's why you should take a little extra care in training your pet. You can teach your pet how to behave towards children. Remember to always reward your pet while doing this.

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2 years ago
Topics: Pets, Dogs, Cats, Like, Life Experience, ...
