Proof that pets make you instantly happy

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2 years ago
Topics: Pets, Parrot, Mental Health, Life, Love, ...

Of course, we all have animals that make us smile in our homes and streets. They are nature's most innocent love. Every moment, even their life, is natural, flowing and full of peace. Although they can take care of themselves, it is actually the love we feel for them that gives life to them.

“A few years ago, when I was living in Honolulu, my neighbors had to move and I agreed to buy their cockatiel. I had never fed a bird before, but he was very sweet and would whistle at me when I walked by. Then I read many articles on small birds and cockatiels from Mexico, Central America and South America. I couldn't believe how cute they were, but I learned that people often abandon them because of their upkeep and expense. These little creatures are very small indeed, but require great care and careful care.

After this incident, I decided that I wanted to adopt abandoned cockatiels that needed a home.

Cockatiels don't realize how small they are. They have funny and curious personalities. My day job is emotionally and mentally intense, and I'm in charge of a department that conducts clinical trials to save the hearts and brains of people experiencing medical emergencies or trauma. But when I look at my cockatiels, I forget all my tiredness and instantly feel much better.

My birds enjoy getting in pockets or sitting on shirt collars. Bertie puts his head under my hair to relax when I'm sleepy. When relaxed, they squeak their beaks and make a distinctive sound. This is a sign of pure happiness and contentment. When they're happy, they cuddle, chirp, and flap their wings.

It comes while I'm taking a shower, I put it on the glass shelf and she walks right to the corner, closes her eyes and waits for the hot water, then goes into meditation mode and sometimes falls asleep. I cheer every time I see the mist of his tiny breath.

Cockatiels are like breathing sunlight. After all, life can be tough, and there are all kinds of pain, big and small, in life. But when I am with these beautiful beings, I can leave everything behind.”

$ 1.17
$ 1.17 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for petlove
2 years ago
Topics: Pets, Parrot, Mental Health, Life, Love, ...
