Male or female: does gender matter when owning a pet?

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2 years ago
Topics: Pets, Dogs, Cats, Love, Life, ...

Differences between the sexes are not unique to humans. In the animal kingdom, gender differences cause some behavioral patterns to differ. In fact, there is no definitive scientific data on this subject, but no matter which pet owner you talk to, they will all tell you that sex differences cause behavioral changes in pets. Moreover, these differences can vary according to cats or dogs. Let's take a closer look at the subject.

Differences between female and male dogs

In addition to their physical differences, the health problems or behavior patterns of female and male dogs can also vary depending on gender. Male dogs that have not been neutered are more likely to set their own territory or mate by peeing. Another remarkable point is that male dogs that have not been neutered are more likely to wander around in search of a mate. The desire to set territory or mate is actually perfectly normal for all dogs. What is remarkable is that this condition is more common in unneutered male dogs.

Another difference between the sexes in the canine kingdom is that female dogs are more obedient to domestic training and more attentive to their owners. In fact, the level of obedience of dogs; environmental issues, species, the attitude of the owner can change depending on many things. Gender is just one of them.

Unneutered female dogs can go into heat twice a year. This can sometimes vary depending on the size and breed of the dog. During this period, the dog may bleed and this may last for 2-6 weeks. Male dogs, on the other hand, do not have such a special period as they are ready to mate at any time of the year.

Another difference between female and male dogs is health issues. Dogs can experience different health problems depending on their gender. For example, female dogs can develop mammary tumors or uterine diseases. Prostate problems can occur in male dogs.

Differences between female and male cats

As with dogs, there are some differences between male and female cats. In terms of appearance, it can be said that male cats are larger than females. Unneutered male cats have larger cheeks and a rounder face due to testosterone production. Another of the physical differences is that female cats open their eyes earlier than male cats after birth. Female cats are known to live longer than male cats. On the other hand, male cats may experience more urinary problems because their urinary tract is shorter.

Of course, physical characteristics aren't the only differences between male and female cats; There are also some differences in behavior. For example, according to a study conducted in 2013, female cats are known to be more fearful and at times more aggressive towards people. Male cats, on the other hand, are known to be more playful, social and affectionate.

Cat owners say that male cats are more affectionate not only to humans but to other cats as well. For example, male cats are known to be more likely to play with other cats, regardless of gender. Female cats, on the other hand, exhibit a behavior that determines their own space, especially in the house, and does not like anyone else to enter this area.

Knowing all these features can be important before owning a pet. But there are many things that determine an animal's behavior. How you raise an animal may be more important than its gender.

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Avatar for petlove
2 years ago
Topics: Pets, Dogs, Cats, Love, Life, ...


Hello, first time I read you. I like what you write. I have a little dog. She has been with me for almost 5 years now. Next month is her birthday. I have her since she was one month old. She was spayed when she was 8 months old. She and I live alone at home. It is good to know some characteristics of her gender. Thanks for sharing. Are you a veterinarian

$ 0.00
2 years ago

First of all, thank you for liking my post. I'm not a veterinarian, I'm just an animal lover.

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2 years ago