How to make ginger paste

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3 years ago

Fresh ginger is an essential ingredient in many recipes, but you may get tired of peeling and grating small amounts of ginger over and over. Instead, you can chop up a much larger amount of ginger, puree it into a paste, and store it in the fridge or freezer for use as needed in recipes. Once you have fresh ginger ready-to-go, you’ll be using it in everything from sushi to ice cream to cocktails!


  • 1 c (225 g) ginger, peeled and coarsely chopped

  • 0.25–0.5  c (59–118 mL) water

  • 1 tsp (5 g) citric acid powder (optional)

  • 2 US tbsp (30 mL) vegetable oil (optional)

Pick hands of ginger that are firm and have smooth skin. You’ll find ginger at the market in oddly-shaped pieces called “hands” (the protruding sections are called “fingers”). Avoid hands that feel light for their size, have wrinkly skin, and are soft to the touch—those ones have lost too much of their water content. Instead, look for hands that have smooth, brown skin, and that feel both heavy for their size and firm to the touch.

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