You don’t have to be a good writer to write a perfect diary

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2 years ago
Topics: Diary, Writing, My blog

Before I begin anything, let me say this. I know almost everyone on this platform has an idea about it; Writing is a great tool that can be use in fighting negative and intrusive thoughts. When you spend some time writing down every negative thoughts or experiences you have had, the chance of you winning over every form of negativity is high. Putting those negative thoughts into perspective will help you to focus more on the positive. There are a lot of benefits attached to writing, despite the fact that i earn some token just for writing, I see beyond that as I feel writing is a channel that brings psychological relief just by putting our emotions, thoughts, and experience in perspective.

Things have really changed over the years in every individuals life present here on planet earth. Life has become so different that it's not a bit close to what it use to be few year back, and as things changes, we drop so many habits and perhaps take up new ones in the process. This is now leading us to diary keeping. I remember when I was still very young, there was this beautiful diary book my mom bought for me. It was so beautiful that I cherished it each time I remember I have something like that. I was about 10 yrs then, I promised myself that the only thing that will be written on it will be my diary. I almost filled up the pages with my crazy monthly happenings, but along the way I got tired and stopped. For most people, keeping diaries of their life was a part of them, I didn't just began keeping diaries of my life just like that. I saw some of my aunt's doing it, so I decided to start my own. I didn't see it as a habit that I need to adopt the whole of my life, but then, something kept me stuck to it same with most people.

You might be asking, what is this thing exactly? I was too young that time to even know what got me and every other person stuck in this habit. Not until I saw that my beautiful diary book of so many years last night, it was a great moment of epiphany. I wasn't aware of the importance and greatness of journal keeping, but I was doing it for about five years. Life is always pregnant with amazing things. And each of this times, it births world of new possibilities.

The idea of keeping a diary now may sound like an old- fashioned thing. Yeah, maybe that's how you see it, but trust me, it's something most great personalities are still doing now. Keeping journals has a lot of great benefits and importance. To me, it's one of the perfect ways to keep track of your life and how it has really changed over time. The benefit here is that it creates a room for personal development.

It is obvious that we get ourselves so busy with stuffs everyday that we don't realize who we have become, what we have done and all of that. But keeping a dairy will help one to know and understand who they really are. Sometimes you might be frightened about something that's going on in your life, but when you take a peep into your diary, you discover that you get relieved of the stress, depression, and anxiety.

I can still remember very well how aunt use to buy herself diary every new year. It became a part of her life then, but I can't say anything about her now as she travelled to another state. The emergence of digital gadgets has really blocked us from seeing the importance in keeping a diary. I have read severally on this platform how people discovered who they really are through writing. How writing has given them another opportunity to know themselves much more better than before, and perhaps make good and benefiting decisions in their life.

It's not until you are good in writing before you can write a diary. A lot of people fail to understand this. Stop telling yourself this big lie!! You are not writing for the whole world to read, neither are you writing for a school to adopt a textbook. But rather you are writing for your very own self. Forget if you don't have the perfect writing skills, all you need is to be intentional in expressing your experience, thoughts, and views on a good notebook.

Some persons are so shy that they can't tell what's bothering them to another person. And sometimes we don't have the right people to talk to when we feel down. In this case, your diary is there to save you. This is the only place you Wii be bold enough to express yourself without fear or doubts.

Final Thoughts

Keeping a diary involves writing. If you are so passionate about writing, then you have earned yourself the right tool to fight depression, anxiety, and stress. So what's keeping you? Start writing like never before.

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2 years ago
Topics: Diary, Writing, My blog


I kept a diary in high school but my mom read it so I vowed not to write anymore. Good thing I found this platform, it gives me peace that whatever I write won't be known to my mom.

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2 years ago

So sorry your mom read your diary. My own diary book was always with wherever I go, not until when I turned 18, then I decided to keep it somewhere safe, where it can't be accessed easily by anyone. But even with that, if by chance anyone saw it and perhaps opened it to read, trust me they would never understand what I had in there. I used drawings to express myself sometimes. The drawings were not perfect, but since it was my thing, I understood every bit of it.

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2 years ago