The trauma is so enormous to handle

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2 years ago

I was told so many times to always stay positive. My thoughts should be filled with positivity. Stay around positive minded people. Get on with life, a better one. Never forget that it will be okay one day.

There are days I will be so sad but friends will ask me to look smart and put up a bright face.

I hated myself so much, but friends told me that whatsoever happened, was far a reason. So I was encouraged to move on with life. I was never given the opportunity to cry. Every day as I wake up, I was told to be Ok.

One difficult challenge I had was that I never chosed to be ok. Everything seemed oppressive.

I would have chosed to be okay, but a great part of me never wanted it. I had no idea of who I was becoming, everything was just completely new to me. Giving a listening ear to what my friends had to say all this while took me to a point where I began asking myself questions. So I really wanted to put up a happy face, wear the prettiest smile, and look positive. Yes I really tried all of these, but I knew wouldn't be able to do them. The more I force myself to feel the way I never wanted, the more I hurt gradually inside.

The disturbing experience I had was so enormous that I couldn't handle it. To make it even worst, I was a victim of positive toxicity, and it wasn't so good for me at this point in my life.

We live by what the society or our friends tells us. We are being told to "hang in there" and to show that we have all what it takes to get back our happiness, wealth, and health, because such is life. People don't just have anything to say to, so they come up with sympathetic vibes like, It so fine if you didn't get that dream is extremely okay if you didn't get the promotion at is extremely okay if you lost a loved is extremely okay if you were served breakfast (heartbreak).

Positive toxicity is a obsession that despite the difficult happenings around a person, such a person should keep of remain positive. Always a positive vibe or response approach of life. When we allow positive toxicity to take over us, we will never acknowledge or manage our difficult emotions but rather deny them. We should allow ourselves to fully feel those difficult emotions. Sometimes these feelings are not harmful to us, they are there to help us have experience of what it means to feel that way and have the knowledge of how to improve for a better change.

It should come to our knowledge that it is also important to know that there are times in our lives that we really need to put on an appearance that everything is just okay and as well move on with life and never forget to put in our efforts to do the best we can.

It is not the usual article... I was unable to come up with a better topic for today's article. And I never wanted to skip today, so this is what I can come up with. Hope you find some good information in it.

Thanks for reading. I value your time and presence here. Till next time... Bye

All images are from unsplash...

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2 years ago


It's okay not to be okay. A lot of people mask their pains which has caused a lot of problems. It's like telling a grieving person not to cry and be strong. We are doing more harm than good. It's okay not to feel up to it. It's okay to feel.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The best thing to do is allow the emotions to flow even when trying to hide the feeling behind a smile.

$ 0.00
2 years ago's okay to feel it so deeply. It's to make us better eventually.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know this feeling, it's not easy to cope with but it's just good for us to try and be okay.

One thing I've learnt about this life it's that, if situation is dealing with you so bad and you decide give in to be remorseful or cry out, to maybe get pitied by the situation, instead of the situation to consider your remorseful face and show mercy, it'll come up with more pepper. That's why we are encouraged to be happy always, even if it's not easy but just try and be OKAY.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being okay is good, but denying those sad feeling is what is bad. In the process of acting like everything is okay, also acknowledge the fact that you are going through a series of sad moments, by doing this the problem is half way solved.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would say that everything that happen has its own reasons of happening, so sometimes when we are facing with failures we don't have to give up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Giving up is not an option, it only entails fear. If we don't deal with a problem now, it will always come back later in the future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can I say it is much better to accept the failure sometimes and focus rather on what strength we have?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What seemed right to do, let it be done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When you overcome a particular challenge in your life, it feels so good and satisfying that you cannot get to anything else in you. It's okay not to be okay sometimes, and even if people tell you to hang in there, the problem will still be there. What you must do is identify the problem and solve it in a positive manner.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah. Identifying a problem first is a great step in solving that problem.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Failure spells pain and pain demands being felt. The struggles and challenges are necessary to be wiser in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why it's never advisable to ignore those challenges we pass through. They have great information to pass to us which will make us work towards great change.

$ 0.00
2 years ago