The secret of success in life is?

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2 years ago
Topics: Time, Success, My Writes

The key to success in life is the proper use of time. Many of us usually forget that 'Time and Tide' waits for no man and that to achieve success in life, hard work is necessary. Life is unreal and changes and no one knows where to rest his or her head. Youth is the seed time of our life and so we must make proper use of time else we shall regret it. We must not waste our precious moments of life in idleness or laziness, if we do so we shall derive no benefit.

There are seasons for everything. If something is done at the right time it yields good result. For it is said that a 'thing worth doing at all is worth doing well.' If we devote ourselves to acquisition of knowledge and the cultivation of the good qualities of human character in youth, we shall definitely lay future foundation for future greatness.

Time is money, but time in real sense of it is more valuable than money, loss of weight may be replaced out if time is lost, it is gone forever. One who makes proper use of time never comes to regret if others who neglect work and idle away their time at likely to find themselves burdens in later years.

'Strike when the iron is hot' is a piece of advice. Once we join bad people strolling about aimlessly, reading worthless books, and taking part in irrelevant activities, we should remember that we shall gain nothing by doing so since time can be used to help the community in which we live with useful things.

The progress of our country is in our hands if we make use of time properly

Most people in their respective countries look upon this prominent men and women of their country as their chosen vessels. When this people write in the newspapers or broadcast to us through televisions and radios, we appreciate what they say, we forget that everyone of them attained their position by mere ambition, that desire that started in them when they had nothing.

Since nothing is permanent on earth these present great ones whom we look upon to guide us and our country will pass away and the organization of our country will fall into our hands. When that happens, shall we call upon the dead to manage the affairs of our country for us? Shall we invite foreigners to rule the country and her inhabitants? What then shall be out fate?

In order not to to drag the country into ruins and disasters, during out times we should start to cultivate in ourselves that spirit with which we can successfully build up our respective countries.

We do not need to waste our TIME and wait till the last moment before we get ourselves ready for the task that awaits us. As it is quite obvious that we must one day be looked upon as father and mothers of our respective countries, i believe we should start now to prepare ourselves in order to build up our respective countries as one of the best in the world. Let us understand that everyone of us are the future architects of our own nation.

We must never put off till tomorrow what should be done today, for the secret of success in life is the proper use of time.

My cousin's contribution to this article 'A SHORT POEM.'


Learn read-cashers to do your best,

Never allow a minute to pass,

All the best will God support,

When you do your best in time.

Learn your lessons while in your youth,

Never say "I am not in the right place",

Turn over the page day and night,

The happiest time is still to come.

Make your plan while in your youth,

Oh! What a future soon to come,

Only sit in silence and build your hope,

Life is sweet so they say.

On your journey of life,

Take to your heel to catch your time,

Don't be dull be calm and right.

Be obidient in what you are told,

Respect your master and keep to time,

And the golden crown will be your own,

Leave the sillies to their ways.

My advice to you is that,

You should stay firmly with God,

And read this poem another time,

For life is sweet but time is short.

All image from HERE

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2 years ago
Topics: Time, Success, My Writes


And I remember a common radio song "time na money, use your time well..." The truth is that, everything in this life is tied to time, time is so precious that a tick in second is well valued. Time is measured with life as well...our living duration on earth

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The secret of success Is you should do pray to your creator and need to focus on your work or aim with determination.

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2 years ago