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2 years ago
Topics: Self-love, Love

February 12, 2022

What a moment to be here again. Wow i am feeling so excited, hope everyone is doing pretty good this saturday. It is saturday, so i am going to talk on a random topic. But before i begin, let me ask you few questions and i hope you have the best answers to them.

For a moment, have you ever paused to think about what kind of feeling you will get to be good enough for yourself alone and not other people?

How will it feel to be good enough as you are and not mind what people will say?

Have you ever stopped and thought about living your life the way it suppose to be and not care if other people appreciate it?

Lets know what self-love is

Self-love could mean anything to you as we have different views to something. For me self-love is believing in yourself and not minding what people will say or do. Self-love means loving yourself the mom bo matter your mistake, failures, and messy lifestyle. Self-love is when you see the need to change and you encourage yourself to step out of your comfort zone to try out new things that may seem extraordinary. Self-love means showering yourself with an unconditional love.

As the saying goes "Health is wealth", self-love is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, not allowing your body system to get damaged by few minutes pleasure. Self-love is understanding yourself more than anyone else, you are so aware of your inner strength no matte the situation you are in.

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Best regards to my first sponsor here. Thank you for loving what i do here and seeing the reason to motivate me the more. I love you so much.

What if we lived out lives this way

What if we live our life without doubting ourselves, but just with full understanding of who we truly are we know what we worth, accomplish every set goals and have this unconditional love for ourselves that we can't keep within us but spread it to others who believe in us? What if we just live our life and stop stressing ourselves over what people think or say about us, not everyone is suppose to be in our journey of life? What if we live out life on our own opinions alone, it could be the only thing that matters about us?


Self-love in another way i would say is being good and fair enough for yourself and not others. People will only see your truth worth when you are good enough for yourself.

Image Source : Unsplash

Give close attention to the thoughts that dominates your mind more often, are they negative thoughts, thoughts that are filled with doubts of what you can do, or who you are. If this are the things that floods your mind and they make you feel bad, imagine the kind of feeling you will get when you replace them with positive thoughts, you don't dwell in your past mistakes but you can more on how to build a better version of you.

You could imagine what it will feel like to experience abundant self-positivity and self-love. It will be a nice one, so you should stand your grounds to make sure you fight to have such feeling everyday of your life. And in the process of this, you would discover that self-love can be achieved with much stress.

You will always remain undefeatable because of self-love. Nothing can stop you because through you action you have sent a message to the world that no matter what happens, no matter the criticism, you still going to stand strong. Haters will always be there, but with the wall of love you have builded roundabout you, no critics can make you look your self-trust. Every be strong, practice self-love the more and things will work out just fine for you.

Self-love has a freeing power

Some years back when i was so tormented by negative reports, critics, and negative thoughts. I made up my mind to free myself from the bondage of all of this things, and self-love, and staying positive was the only solution at the moment. Luckily for me it worked for me, i was able to free myself from every negativity that was stucked in my mind. I practiced self-love and i watched my life change for the good.

Negative thoughts has not been erased completely from my mind, it still shows up but not so powerful and dominating as before. I forgive myself for allowing it come around and try my best to push it away everyday. Self-love has really helped me and i hope you practice it too and enjoy its freeing power

Lead Image Source : Unsplash

Thank you for reading!!!

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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Self-love, Love


When I'm stress I stop for a moment and say "self-love, self-love!" hahha I just don't want to look haggard, stress free be like.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha. The feeling though

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You talked about a very valuable subject. Self-love needs to be in everyone. If we can develop love for ourself, even if others say negative things, it will have less effect on our mind. Self-love is a necessary thing for every human being. Self-love means to realize oneself. If one does not feel good about oneself, one's importance cannot be understood.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If people see that you love yourself, they will hardly talk bad about you why because you will never give attention to what they are saying.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Self-love is being gentle and patient with ourselves. It is loving yourself in all aspects.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah that's so true, loving your own self with expecting anything in return

$ 0.00
2 years ago