Road trips are always fun

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2 years ago


Any time I want to embark on a road trip, I am always exited. Thile excitement didn't start now while I have grown to become a adult, it started right when I was a kid. Every new day that is yet to come, we'll be expecting our parents to intimate us that the next weekend or so, we'll be going on a road trip. We will be so happy if such a new finally comes. During road trips, I tend to enjoy every moment of it, how the trees seems as if they are running backwards, and so many other experiences. I know very well that I am not the only person that is always exited to go on a road trip even as an adult.

Almost everyone of us here had in one way or the other wanted to have the best experience ever while travelling on the road. I have heard of the comfort people get to enjoy when the travel on trains, aeroplanes, and ships. Since I have not used any of this means of transportation, and I don't know what it feels like to travel long distances with them, I can't really tell if there's anything like fun in it apart from the TVs, snacks, and ac you will enjoy. But when it comes to road trip, the fun is just so much that you wouldn't want to miss any bit of it.

Personally, aside the fun, I get to learn about new things when I travel on road. I see new structures of building, like the skyscrapers, billboards of the latest celebrity in town, recent model of cars.......I mean there's so much to see and learn when on a road trip. And I know to well that it is something you will wish for if given the opportunity to ask.

Every bit of any road trip is always so fascinating. Right from the packing of your clothes into the desired box you are using for the trip, getting to the bus station on time and securing a good spot, maybe the seat closer to the window, every aspect of it is always so fascinating. I don't have a car of my own, so anytime I want to go on a road trip, I love seating on the middle row, if I am lucky enough get a seat closer to the window so I wouldn't miss any interesting thing along the way.


My love for road trips did not start today, it started when I was still a child, and it went to when I was in school. I never missed any excursion organized by my school then. I had friends who were like me too. Any time we are on an excursion, we will seat very close to each other so we can talk about anything new or old we come across on the road. It was always fun then and I miss them now.

Have you had any road trip recently, do share your experience!

Every road trip I make is always an avenue to have newer experience in so many things. I'm not always fascinated about the destination every time because I would I visited the place before. But the new development that has gotten into the area, the new people I will be meeting, and so many other fresh stuffs.

And lastly, if you're making a road trip to another city, state, or country, you need to informed about the things going on there. From the security aspect, weather, and kind of food. You need to be aware of this things first before you begin your trip. Make proper planning for any road trip you will be making so you won't end up having a bad trip. Road trips are always fun, it shouldn't be filled with issues of any kind.

Thank you for reading. You are the best thing that has happened to me here. God bless you.

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2 years ago


I used to love road trip or let me travelling untill I went to Lagos for the very first time from state. The inconveniences were just too much for me, from the uncomfortability of seating in a congested bus and the endless traffic jam. Since thrnt, I don't Fancy long trip again Except I'm taking a VIP seat 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do business class any time I want to go on a road trip. The tp fare might be high, but I consider my comfortability first. Long trips will be fun if you travel in a business class.

$ 0.00
2 years ago