Obey or Disobey

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2 years ago
Topics: Career, Disobey, Obey, Future

Image Source: Unsplash

Like we all know "Obedience is better than sacrifice". Should they obey and later in life regret it, or should they disobey and later become thankful for the decision and path they took in their career. I know i am already putting you in suspense, sorry for that,and don't feel bored already because i have a great opinion to share in this article.

In my previous articles, i have been focusing on self-love, self-development, and the rest of it. But today this particular issue just hit me so hard that i got to realize that i will be a victim to it so with everyone of us here. We are all going to get married to our partners sometime in the future and this issue will always show up when we start having kids. Still putting you in suspense. I'm sorry.

In a situation where yoh have a child and you give maybe your opinion, choice of what you want them to become, advice on the vareeryou want them to pursue, and they refuse to follow it or listen to you. How will you feel?

Will you feel bad? Or respect their own choice of career?

Nowadays, especially in my country, parents force their kids to follow the career the choose for them, and sometimes this kids do have passion for this career. A parent would tell their child that they want him/her to become a medical doctor, but this child has passion to become an artist, and refuses to listen to them. In my country, this alone has projected you as a stubborn kid before your parents.

And if the child still insist in their choice of career, the unsupportive parents will hit them with ugly image of a disastrous future if they don't follow their own choice of career. Sometimes the society makes some parents behave this way. Where they are seeing other peoples kids become medical doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc being successful in those career, they will see it as a golden opportunity to also push their children to pursue any of those careers that are paying very well.

As a parent if you don't spend time with your children to really understand who they really are, what they love doing, their dream career, you have successfully contributed to downfall in the future, it might be emotional. Education is so good and i encourage it, but forcing a child to go to school, follow a particular career (your own choice), will lead to a half-baked and unfullfilled dream, and everything will be meaningless to them because their mind is not in agreement with the path their parents choose for them.

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Should they obey or disobey?

You will become a parent one day, so you can answer this question for yourself.

Some parents mostly focus on the best paying career in town, the kind of respect that career will bring to their kids, this are the main reasons why they choose careers for their children. They won't want them to pursue their own personal aspirations. And a child that drops his/her dream career and follows that of their parents will never have a hopeful future, depression and disappointment will set in along the way.

Their main focus is landing a good paying job, and they forget that there are decisions they don't make for people, no matter their age, and sex. This kids already have what they want to become register in their minds, so when they are forced to follow the path they never wiehed to follow, there will always be a conflict between the two choices.

If we want the best for our kids, then lets encourage and give them all the support they need.

Parents, NGOs, schools etc, should encourage our young generation to purse whatever career the want as long as it will no cause any damage or harm to their future. Send them to organizations where they will learn or get more knowledge about what they intend doing. Appreciate them for the little efforts they put in actualizing their dreams. Create a suitable environment for them that will allow them to dream big about thier career, and also join them in the dreaming.

Before i end, i will ask again; Is it right that a parent for choices of career on their children, or should they allow them to chase their dreams and aspirations?

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

Thank you for reading!!!

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2 years ago
Topics: Career, Disobey, Obey, Future


To my own understanding, it is wrong to impose dreams on our children , let's allow them choose it by themselves.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are so right. Any choice they pursue now will always have a way of affecting their future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago