No one has a really perfect life but you can make it almost that

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1 year ago

We can only get a better life if we desire it and work for it. An object cannot be moved until an external force is be applied to it. When I hear people talk about progressing in life, I ask myself, is this person ready to do the things involved before they can start experiencing progress in their lives. If we don't believe in something, there's no way change or anything positive will happen. Same thing with ourselves, progress can only happen in our lives the moment we deal with self-doubt and start having confidence in oneself. Every goal pursued will always have a strong will backing it.

Reaching your goals in life means placing your day to day activities first so everything can go on a balanced level. Sacrificing some of you pleasure time, having your own quite time away from your family, friends, and loved ones...... I'm not saying you should desert them completely, No! Cos most times their support and advice will be needed for your own growth. Still have them around but not at all times.

If there's anything as important as staying alive is having peace of mind. It matters a lot in every individuals life. If one lacks peace of mind, definitely they are in a mess. Anything is obtainable when there is absolute peace of mind.

The best thing you would do for your own self is having that believe in you. Trust your abilities to take you to greater heights and aslo be conscious enough to deal with any adversity well and in the proper way. No one has an absolute perfect life but we can make it almost that. The power is in our hands and the way we think.

A poor old man roaming the streets may seem happier than a rich man despite the fact that he does not have everything. You would be asking why it happens that way? The old man is living his life on day at a time because there are no expectations.

Building up courage and taking responsibility for your mistakes, figuring out way to correct them and always having an open mind to take lessons from it will propel you to the path where you will get more closer to accomplishing your dreams.

You must be confident enough to know and understand the roles you need to play to get the perfect life you want. And the first and most important thing here is to know what you want. The chance of you having that perfect life is very slim. Commitment will be demanded from you if want to get a perfect life, you must not not lose focus or be distracted by another person's life. Some people were so fortunate to be born with a golden spoon in their mouth. If you manage to have that commitment, you will certainly have what you want.

Remember, every mistake is a step closer to fullfilment of purpose if you learn from it. The only time you fail completely is when you give up. You should always be reminded why you started, this will keep you motivated each time you think of quitting.

Thank you for stopping by after a long time. See you in my next article.

Image Source: Unsplash

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1 year ago


You're right, no one has a perfect life. I myself have problems with my parents that hinder my career. I don't hate them, but I don't like the way they set things too far.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Try to make things right with your parents. It's always a thing of joy to be on the same page with them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We have to work our way to perfect the life that we want, no one has it all perfect, it depends on how we work towards perfection.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love what you've just said. We can't just sit down and expect things to fall in the right places. We must work for it.

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1 year ago